I'm going to be 100% clear, I didn't read this. I'm getting this game on Tuesday when I get paid and I'm avoiding reviews until then. I will totally be back to read this review when I play the game, and reply to this message accordingly.
However, I think my biggest problem with Zelda games is the hype around them. I didn't grow up with Zelda, and so some of the charm of the nostalgia is lost on me. I didn't really start playing them until a few years ago, and I while I can see why they are good well made games, they're also all the same game. Which is also totally a criticism you can hurl at Dark Souls. There's little differences, but they're basically the same.
The difference is that I was there for the first Dark Souls and it resonated with me. I feel the way about that game that many people feel about the Zelda series and so I totally get the love, they just aren't feelings I share.
Also, so many games I loved and enjoyed before playing Zelda took things from that series and so it doesn't quite feel revolutionary to me in the way it does to many others. I've played Dark Souls. I've played Metroid. I've played Tomb Raider, and Darksiders, and Beyond Good and Evil and many games like that.
What I'm trying to say is that to me, this game seems different. It seems like a breath of fresh air for not only Zelda, but the industry. So I'm going to go in blind this time and hopefully get some of the joy other people do from the series. This seems like they honestly made a Zelda for people like me and I am keen as fuck to try it.
I'm also typing this comment out so you'll reply to me and I'll remember to read this when I've played the game.