It really does.
It really does.
It was more for owning a product that is illegal in the country, and since the ban was public knowledge, the same laws applied. I understand that law.
However, I don't think Saints Row should be banned, as, like Mortal Kombat, it is EXTREMELY cartoonish and purposefully overboard, getting rid of any pretense of realism. I just don't understand this ban. As an adult man in Australia, I am legally allowed to watch a depiction of someone being brutally raped and murdered, have their sexual organs brutalised, but I can't watch "interactive, visual depictions of implied sexual violence?" Video Games still aren't accepted as anything more than a toy here, unfortunately.
Yeah. I think I could still buy the digital version from somewhere and say I'm Australian, but it's going to suck for console gamers. I mean a guy got two years imprisonment for owning a copy of Manhunt, so I wouldn't risk it.
It's been in effect since January this year, and we've gotten Mortal Kombat in australia finally. That said, the games that get banned I usually don't care about, but in this case, it stings just a little bit.
I have no idea. The annoying thing is they are so inconsistent. Left 4 Dead 2 and Mortal Kombat got banned, but we have dead space, god of war, and fallout 3? I just have no idea what their standards are, and that pisses me off.
No idea. If there is rape in the game, then it's understandable, but it said it was implied, not actually shown, which I don't think is reason to ban somehting.
Nope. The movie censors are really lenient. We have a 5 tier system of G, PG, M, MA, and R for films, and I haven't heard of any films being banned recently. We even got Serbian film, which I think was either banned in the US or UK.
I'm not trying to convince anything of anything other than that I have reason for not believing and they should stop trying to force their insane fairy tales on me. I don't know what to believe either, but I'd rather believe in nothing than be forced into something. And yes, if you are a good person you should be fine. The bible itself says god goes off the heart condition of a person, it's just that a church has more power if it has more followers. Pretty sure the entire vatican will burn in hell if there is such a thing.
Yep. This is the best article ever for this bit. Was written just after 9/11
I believe the bible has some good lessons in it, I truly do. I also believe it's a product of it's era, and there are some things in that book we should take with a grain of salt. But you're right. It is a book that has positively affected so many people that it deserves the recognition and praise it gets.