Lol. I believe you can discipline kids without religion, and bring them up well.
Lol. I believe you can discipline kids without religion, and bring them up well.
Fair enough. That makes sense to me, more sense than an omniscient being anyway. I kind of wish we could have just been here forever, and had no reason to look for a beginning.
Oh yeah. The pokemon thing was so retarded. As is their policy on music. They got up me for listening to Nirvana. They're like "do you know what the name means?" I'm like "Yeah, fucking happiness. You know that thing God supposedly wants you to have, asshat?"
In our family, no matter what age you were you weren't allowed to watch anything over an M rating. Also, they were massive hypocrites, because we were allowed to watch all the Shrek movies, but not Lord of the Rings. Idiots.
Yeah, my dad freaked out when I had a girlfriend in high school, and then he freaked out again when I said I was staying over at a girls place, who was also a witness, and we were sleeping in different rooms. I'm like for fuck's sake you people are retarded. Well, no, most of them are pretty decent people. It's just some who are idiots.
To be honest, as I've said in other comments, it's not so much what's in the bible, but how people twist it that annoys me. I mean it's an old book written by men (through the hand of god) so it's going to have parts of the times come through. I get that. I don't get how people won't accept that times have changed and not everything in that book is relevant. Can't we make that book more modern? Take the lessons in it and make it easier for people to apply it to modern day life? That would make sense.
That's an interesting look at hell. I'd love for their to be ghosts in real life. I reckon not all of them would be malevolent, and hanging out witrh a spirit would be pretty awesome. Also, if I was a ghost, I'd spend ALL of my time recreating scenes from horror movies lol.
I know the bible doesn't condemn love, I just find it a little offputting that Jesus expects me to love him more than my family. I don't even like my family half the time, but at least they've been there for me.
Yeah I'm glad I don't live in Southern America. I hate country music, I'm an atheist, and I think NASCAR is the most boring "sport" on the face of this earth. I can't imagine you're predicament lol!
But yeah, I think even Atheists should read the bible. If you don't, you have no idea what you disagree with, and you're the idiot then.
Pretty much. I have a problem with some of the teachings, but it's more how they're used by people than the actual teachings themselves.
What do you believe Tami? I imagine that would be quite interesting :)
I know some great people who happen to be Christians, and that's the point. These are normal people who happen to believe in god. They don't feel like everyone should be a Christian, and nor should they. No one has the right to impose their beliefs on anyone. They can discuss it all they want, but forcing it on people is terrible.
Still, the shit I got for being "The Wrong Type Of Christian" makes me really empathise with you for not being christian at all.
Yeah I know. A lot of the time it's a stupid joke that is specifically designed to get a reaction, as my sense of humour can be quite offensive at times. I probably shouldn't use it as much, but people seem to like the whole angry ranting thing other wise they wouldn't read my blogs. I know I should tone back a bit at times though.
I'm really not against religious teachings though, more people who warp and twist those teachings to become more insidious, or people who use that religion as a protective barrier so people can't touch them.
Wow. Small world lol. I think I was in the same boat, as not many other witnesses were similar to me so like you, I kept to myself. I developed a few friends, but none of them were my age. They were all either older or younger than me. That said, the routine of studying, writing and deliviering talks and preaching made me better equipped academically.
They do a lot right, but I think they do a LOT wrong as well. For instance, they seem very quick to judge and isolate. They don't seem to want to help you unless it's convenient for them, and if you have a mental disability, or you're a bit quirky, they don't want anything to do with you. If you want to be an individual, they don't want anything to do with you. And that's part of the reason I felt so frustrated with it, and all of christianity I guess. It's not so much the teachings, but the way people twist those teachings to suit them, their prejudices and their desires, and I just can't stand that. I honestly think my fathers insane dedication really turned me off religion for life.
Still, it's great to meet someone who comes from a similar background to me!
They had to take atheist sensors out of churches as it was deemed a fire hazard. You should be fine now.