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Michael117's Comments - Page 43

The Ultimate Guide to Badassery

Posted on 10/25/2013 at 02:58 PM | Filed Under Feature

You've probably seen on XBL that I've been playing lots of Fallout 3 recently, I really like that game. I ordered Fallout New Vegas and it's on its way in the mail right now. I played it on PS3 with my cousin one time and I really liked it so I decided to go buy it so I could play it for real. I'm more boring though and I always go to my bread and butter, like in DS I always have a longsword or fire longsword, a shield, and light armor. In Fallout I always have combat armor and small guns like the hunting rifle. When I get New Vegas I'm thinking about doing Hardcore mode for the survival elements but I'll probably play it on Normal for a while till I get the hang of the new enemies.

Episode 33: Halloween Havoc II: The Startling

Posted on 10/25/2013 at 02:52 PM | Filed Under Feature

Man I love Jacobs Ladder, that's still an amazing movie. When you watch that movie you can see all the influences that Silent Hill games took from it once they came along. Jacob's Ladder is super creepy and well done, I enjoy that one still.

I love 28 Days Later and its sequel. Do you remember the scene in the second movie where the guys wife comes back and she's a carrier for the RAGE virus and strapped down onto the table and her husband comes to her crying and full of guilt since he abandoned her. He's looking for forgiveness and just when they both seem to make ammends and embrace, they kiss and he gets the RAGE virus and immediatly turns into a zombie and hops on top of her and tears her apart? That's by far the single most emotionally exhuasting and shocking thing I've ever seen in a movie. It's super violent and horrifying but the emotions behind it sell it and make it really powerful and tragic. That's a really strong scene in that film, it still blows my mind when I see it and stabs my heart.

Episode 33: Halloween Havoc II: The Startling

Posted on 10/21/2013 at 07:38 PM | Filed Under Feature

I've always enjoyed horror movies of different kinds since I was a kid, but my tastes have been changing quite a bit with time. In my teens I actually enjoyed slasher movies and saw a lot of them. I've always thought that the reason I enjoyed them so much was because I was enjoying being grossed out, and there were no better movies than slashers. I was into the first couple SAW movies, the first Hostel, the Black Christmas remake, the French movie High Tension, and especially the Cube movies where people are trapped in seemingly never-ending square rooms and it turns out they're in giant underground complex and tasked to solve puzzles and stuff, or die in really high-tech & weird ways usually.

I was into those a lot in highschool but once I got into my early 20s my tastes changed a lot and now I can't stomach watching most of those kinds of movies. I think there was a tipping point that happened when I watched SAW 3. The third SAW movie is pretty acceptable on the story side and the acting is surprisingly solid, but even then it's way too graphic and horrible for me to ever stomach again. I watched it once all the way through so I could find out what happens to Jigsaw and his protege, but when I tried to watch through it again a second time much later, I got physically ill and have never watched another SAW, Hostel, or similar movies since. My enjoyment of being grossed out was apparently a phase and wore out once I became an adult. SAW 3 and Hostel 1 are the most disgusting movies I've ever seen in all the years I was a slasher connoisseur, and I have no interest in seeing either ever again now that I'm out of that phase.

Now I'm into ghost stories. The first Grudge movie is one of my favorites that's stood the test of time for me. I enjoy both of the Ring movies. Just this month I watched the first two Paranormal Activity films and liked those a lot, I'm going to try to get my hands on the 3rd and 4th.

Blake Plays Dark Souls Wrong!

Posted on 10/16/2013 at 02:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Crafty strategy Chris. Now that I think it all through I see that's indeed totally possible. Either way, whether Blake takes the cestus or not this will be crazy to watch the Tarus battle. I remember watching EpicNameBro fight Ornstein and Smough with an unarmed character or something, I can't remember but it was nuts. Maybe it was without taking damage or something, he was shaking and baking like the fucking dickens and had a crazy battle with those two.

I watched the first episode and gave you a like and subscribe on youtube Blake. I've played about 130 hours of the game so far and am still doing another playthrough but I've never seen any character hollowed and without a shirt on so when I saw your guy I laughed and was like, "that's what our characters look like under the armor?". Also the only time I ever punched a guy was with the Dark Hand to soak up some humanity. I haven't seen the cestus in action or ever seen somebody do a fisty punchy build. This will be cool.

Metro: Last Light - Faction Pack Review

Posted on 10/16/2013 at 11:56 AM | Filed Under Review

I still need to play this game real bad, but it's held it's value surprisingly well over the months (at least $40 on Amazon still) and I've decided to grab games slightly cheaper like Red Dead Redemption and Dead Space 2, but I still need to grab Last Light. Jesse Miller here at the site turned me onto this game before it came out and everything he told me about the Metro games and about Last Light really got me excited to play it for myself. Hopefully I can grab it soon.

It's nice to see that the dlc can be pretty interesting. The Kshatriya and Sniper Team pieces seem like things I could certainly get into. Good write up, it's nice to see this game getting covered.

My Top 4 Must Buy Games on my list

Posted on 10/12/2013 at 01:34 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Do you have a racing wheel that you will use with F1 2013?

The top 4 games I want to get right now are Splinter Cell Blacklist, Borderlands 2 GOTY edition, Diablo 3, and Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen.

New Blog #7

Posted on 10/10/2013 at 05:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

A couple weeks ago I bought Red Dead Redemption goty edition and I've been enjoying that quite a bit. I'm going to grab Dead Space 2 on Amazon soon, I haven't played that yet and have been wanting to for a while. If I still have a little money left over after DS2 I might try to get the Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition.

Lol I wish I could say I'm proud of you for not playing Mass Effect for 2 months, but those are great games and it's not like you to go too overly long without dipping back in a little bit now and then. In time whenever the feeling is right you'll get back into it, and I'll see you on XBL and it'll say you're in a Mass Effect game, and I'll smile a little bit.Smile

Community Poll #33

Posted on 10/09/2013 at 11:42 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Fatal Frame 2 Crimson Butterfly. Still haven't finished it after all this time, scared me into quitting.

Episode 32: The Pantsless and the Damned

Posted on 10/07/2013 at 01:58 PM | Filed Under Feature

I wasn't able to get excited about GTA5 so I didn't buy it, but to be honest I don't think I've ever truly been a fan of the series. Back when I had my PS2 I never owned San Andreas or Vice City, I only ever played them when I was at a friend's house and even then I wasn't very excited about them. I got hyped for GTA4 and bought it at launch just because every body else was so excited about it, and there was nothing else coming out around that particular time.

I ended up not liking anything about that game, I couldn't get into any of the characters and I didn't like the driving, shooting, and the mission design. It was a huge beautiful simulation of New York city but once I explored it I felt like it was just a sweet tech demo and a testament to the art department. I appreciated GTA4 from a technical art perspective but the actual video game was boring and I never finished it. The city was pretty desolate and anything mildly interesting was spread far and wide. If you were standing at any given intersection in Liberty City you were surrounded by hundreds of buildings in the surrounding few square blocks, but they only served as geometry and texture work, and if you were lucky maybe you'd find 2 interactive places, and at best those would be the mediocre missions, at worst they were just temporarily neat novelties like a dart game or internet cafe. GTA4 took my breath away initially with the technical work and scope, but once I got to the point where you unlock all the islands I had seen all I needed to and quit.

So I couldn't get excited for GTA5, but I'd like to get a look at it from the technical side someday. I watched the streams of the Giant Bomb guys playing the game and the textures look amazing and the world is packed with artistic details. I also was shocked by the immense scope of the city, and how it streams in so effortlessly. I'll probably buy an eventual GOTY edition a couple years from now, when said edition is around $20-30, and play it for 10 hours or so until I can get a good look at all the work they did building the environment and the effects they can do with the Euphoria engine, then quit. The fire and explosions I saw in the stream were pretty stunning.

An interesting thing to bring up now that you know how disinterested I've been in GTA gameplay and characters in all the games is the fact that I'm playing Red Dead Redemption for the first time right now and loving it. I bought the GOTY edition of that recently for $25 new. I've been trying to figure out exactly why I'm loving it, and whether or not I'm simply stunned temporarily by the art and technical work. The Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Northern Mexico landscape influence is incredibly beautiful in a wild and desolate way. It's weird how super rare western themed games are. I play mostly RPGs and shooters and most of my games take place in futurescapes of cities or dark medieval kingdoms. I think Red Dead Redemption might be super realistic in a way I can get behind. I'm really into the cacti, tumbleweeds, seeing heat rise off the desert floor, seeing the coal trains and saloons. There's still plenty of moments for janky frustration and long periods of time traveling over and over, but so far I'm still immersed into it. The mechanics are different and certainly more diverse than I expected, there's simply more to do than in GTA4 and those new mechanics are pretty polished. I like lassoing dudes, riding the horses, hitching a ride on the train, doing the horse rodeos, and even doing the shooting feels a little better than GTA4 did for me.

I also like some of the random encounters that happen. A few of the ones I come across are super rushed and I fail before I even know what's happening. Every time I try to save somebody from being hanged by bandits they always die. I think I'm suppose to shoot the rope before they suffocate but it takes too much accuracy and I don't have enough time. But some of the random encounters are really fantastic.

Last night I came across this guy in the desert who wanted a ride so I stopped to help him thinking I might get a $2 reward or something, which I needed because coming across money has been slow for me. Well the guy ran up and threw me off my horse and stole it off into the sunset, I was shocked and pissed. He rounded a corner and was hidden by a hill so I thought he was gone forever, but just then I heard my horse do the sound clip that seems like it's bucking you off. A second later my horse came running back to me and I was ready to hunt the horse thief down. He was super fast in scampering off but I eventually found him, lassoed him to the dirt, then hogtied him and tossed him on the back of my horse. I didn't know what to do with him at first, I felt like the death penalty of shooting him dead in the desert was pretty harsh but historically people were killed in the west for cattle stealing and similar crimes. So I took him into town to see if I could throw him in jail and I couldn't, so I knew I was probably going to end up killing him. With him hogtied behind me I rode out of town into the wilderness trying to think of a way to get rid of him.

Well 20 minutes of wandering the desert and internal deliberating goes by, and yadda yadda we end up in the middle of nowhere and I have this horse thief laid out on top of the train tracks like an old cartoon. Except I don't know the train schedule and I realize we could be waiting a long time till this goes down. I waited for another 10 minutes and spent my time hunting deer on the nearby hill until I heard a train whistle from the distance. Excitedly I raced back to my hogtied thief on the tracks just in time to see this big black coal train thunder over him and literally explode his character model into a spray of blood and jibblits. I let out a gasp mixed with laughter to express the disgust at the effects, the shock at what I'd just had my character do, as well as the hilarity and payoff to this whole random encounter that turned into a half hour tangent away from the main quest. I'll never forget that whole sequence of events, and as I gathered myself and rode off from his jibblets I said out loud matter-of-factly, but it was almost equally a question I was asking myself as a player, "Well that's the wild west, bitch." Lol

I'm still waiting to see if it's all going to wear off and leave me quitting like all the other Rockstar games I've played, but so far I'm loving Red Dead Redemption. I love the setting, I like the main character, the voice acting is pretty great and the animation is fantastic except for the somewhat common and certainly jarring janky moments in collision that tend to happen.

Episode 81: We're Probably Going to Offend You

Posted on 10/03/2013 at 06:38 PM | Filed Under Feature

Its been almost a year now since a Pixltalk? Balls, time flies. But it's nice to see this gang have the opportunity to get back together for some more shenanigans. I really enjoyed this one. I've always loved the humor and chemistry you four have so it was nice to hear it all again. Time passes, but Pixltalk is still really fun, and Michael117 is still around to bug everybody, it seems all is well around here Smile

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