Go for it alchemist, says the guy who doesn't have one either. :)
Go for it alchemist, says the guy who doesn't have one either. :)
Our Snee exaggerate? Of course he would. That's what writers do after all. They take the mundane day to day and spice it up.
Why you tell him not to go to Kockatoo?
Glad you got a Switch. I'll be following shortly all things being equal. I wanna hear book news!
The copy I have has a fake leather cover. I would have posted a pic of that but photobucket now wants money to share my stuff. My old posts here have no pictures in them anymore.
I have The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft in digital form from Kobo. I think it cost me about $2.50. It's $3.98 CAD on Kobo right now.https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/the-complete-works-of-h-p-lovecraft-1?utm_campaign=shopping_feed_ca_en&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=CjwKCAjw47bLBRBkEiwABh-PkcunkqCYl5VyDZ3gbnx_ZoST0_JMQaLyhrWF7ySvhDTTynvewfnHbBoCQvEQAvD_BwE
I also have The Necronomicon, which isn't really the book of the dead, it's just a collection of his stuff.
I put over 120 hours into FF 12 the first time and there were still Marks left. I had to force myself to move on. I loved the battle system. Setting up gambits for everyone was fun and made things very strategic. I was annoyed by people saying the game played itself.
Yeah, go ahead let the game play itself and let me know how that works out for you,
LOL, yep I should have mentioned the game in there somewhere.
I played the demo and it was fun. I read that there's no levelling up so I sort of lost interest. Then EB had it on for 10 bucks one weekend so I bought it. Forgot I had it until you mentioned it. LOL
I will buy this but not for a while. Probably when it goes on sale. I still have a physical copy for the PS2.