Posted on 06/05/2016 at 12:52 AM
| Filed Under Blogs
I would never say TW3's gameplay is spectacular with how slow the leveling is, how poor the areas are designed for combat, and how poorly scaled enemies are. The story has amazing ideas and ambition, but giving Gerald moral choices works out horribly. His stoicism means that the one interesting thing about his character is his morality, which the (admittedly great) moral dilemas take away from him. It's like putting gravy on chocolate cake, both work fine, but shouldn't be together. So it's very hard for me to get invested in a story when the main character bores me as much as he did. Because he's a character, not a template like a Bioware or Bethesda character, just not one well suited for a WRPG.
2015 really is the year of compromise for me. TW3, Splatoon, and Bloodborne aside, everything had some BS tacked onto it. MGSV wasn't finished, Batman, Evolve, and SW Battlefront had outrageous season passes, Halo 5 had its BS microtransactions, and Fallout was one step forward, two steps back along with a BS season pass. It could have been an amazing year, but publishers decided making a quick buck was more important than creating a game that can stand the test of time.
With the exception of SR4, everything I mentioned was a full, complete game and if it had DLC, it complemented the main game rather than filled in some cracks.
Also Stanley Parable was 2013. Which is objectively better than anything from 2015 save Bloodborne and RotTR.