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Casey Curran's Comments - Page 43

A Quick Update

Posted on 06/10/2016 at 03:33 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Eh, I get why they gave God of War that score. Vita isn't a PS3 but it's a hell of a lot more powerful than a PS2. If I can get a near perfect port of MGS3 on it I should br able to get God of War running at a stable frame rate. Is having it on the go alone worth it for some? Absolutely but let them know what they're getting into at least. I eventually want a handheld that has a near perfect port of everything I care about gens 3-6. So far Vita and 3DS have come pretty close to that and I'm happy right now

The Bi-Millennial Update on Blake

Posted on 06/05/2016 at 07:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

To continue from before for space, you frequently went on blogs at 1up praising ME3 to say it's not an RPG. I know because you did that on mine and threw a tantrum on it when I said I have no issue with you disliking it, just don't be a dick about it (and to your credit later apologized and realized these are just differing opinions). 

And that's the thing: you DISliked Mass Effect. I like The Witcher 3 the same way I liked Skylanders games or DmC. It's fun, has its high points and low points, but I disagree that it should be a GOTY contendor. If you think it should, fine, but that still doesn't change that I have no desire to return to a game. I have no desire to return to many games I enjoyed, including the ones I mentioned. But if people were trashing TW3 the way many do DmC, I would defend it. But as a GOTY contendor, I disagree the same way I do with people saying DmC topped Bayonetta.

The Bi-Millennial Update on Blake

Posted on 06/05/2016 at 06:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Okay, you were hating on Mass Effect with a bias against it at the time and you know it. I went into TW3 and have absolutely no desire to return to it. I have too little free time to return to a game that long which I just liked alright. 

Sim City was awful, but the XB1 was fixed before release. Neither is as big a missed opportunity as MGSV which could have been a timeless classic had Konami not compromised it. Kickstarter btw wasn't that bad in 2013, 2014 was where it hit it's real BS. 

And let's say for the sake of argument I said 2001 or 2004 instead. There's no leg to stand on now because all of 2015s BS and compromises are still there no comparisons. I feel it was just barely an improvement over 2014 which was a bad year

The Bi-Millennial Update on Blake

Posted on 06/05/2016 at 10:08 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I have absolutely zero desire of ever returning to TW3. It was a good game, but once was more than enough, the game already felt too bloated and Novigrad is too much torture for me.

And 2013 had BS but it wasn't as bad as 2015's. That year it felt almost every big game had some BS attached. Or at least games with more potential than the ones 2013 had, which made it all the more disappointing 

The Bi-Millennial Update on Blake

Posted on 06/05/2016 at 12:52 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I would never say TW3's gameplay is spectacular with how slow the leveling is, how poor the areas are designed for combat, and how poorly scaled enemies are. The story has amazing ideas and ambition, but giving Gerald moral choices works out horribly. His stoicism means that the one interesting thing about his character is his morality, which the (admittedly great) moral dilemas take away from him. It's like putting gravy on chocolate cake, both work fine, but shouldn't be together. So it's very hard for me to get invested in a story when the main character bores me as much as he did. Because he's a character, not a template like a Bioware or Bethesda character, just not one well suited for a WRPG.

2015 really is the year of compromise for me. TW3, Splatoon, and Bloodborne aside, everything had some BS tacked onto it. MGSV wasn't finished, Batman, Evolve, and SW Battlefront had outrageous season passes, Halo 5 had its BS microtransactions, and Fallout was one step forward, two steps back along with a BS season pass. It could have been an amazing year, but publishers decided making a quick buck was more important than creating a game that can stand the test of time. 

With the exception of SR4, everything I mentioned was a full, complete game and if it had DLC, it complemented the main game rather than filled in some cracks. 

Also Stanley Parable was 2013. Which is objectively better than anything from 2015 save Bloodborne and RotTR.

The Bi-Millennial Update on Blake

Posted on 06/04/2016 at 11:42 AM | Filed Under Blogs

All those from 2013 definitely go in my top 50. Witcher 3 meanwhile belongs in my top 15 overrated games ever

The Bi-Millennial Update on Blake

Posted on 06/03/2016 at 04:29 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Metal Gear Rising, Sly 4, Tearaway, and Rayman Legends don't? Dude.....

The Bi-Millennial Update on Blake

Posted on 06/02/2016 at 10:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Bloodborne is one of two exceptions to that. As for 2013: The Last of Us, Rayman Legends, Zelda: LBW, Pokemon XY, Mario 3D World, Metal Gear Rising, Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies, Sly 4, Tearaway, Saints Row 4. And that's just the stuff I liked more than anything from 2015.

The Bi-Millennial Update on Blake

Posted on 06/01/2016 at 09:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Those are mostly good games but with all of them except Undertale, RotTR, and Splatoon I felt something was holding them back. Like ten years from now there will be very few games from 2015 I want to replay, especially compared to 2013 or 2007

The Bi-Millennial Update on Blake

Posted on 06/01/2016 at 05:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think it being a contender is a stretch though and I felt 2015 was a horribly mediocre year for games.

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