Steam deals? PSN don't have no steenkin Steam deals.
I shall keep you in the loop if I see any though.
Not a fan of pineapple on pizza myself. the wife likes it though except she add hot peppers to it.
Steam deals? PSN don't have no steenkin Steam deals.
I shall keep you in the loop if I see any though.
Not a fan of pineapple on pizza myself. the wife likes it though except she add hot peppers to it.
Unfortunately I bought all the FF's I want on PSN at full price. I'm not going near 14, I hated 8 and I'm not sure I want the first PSP fighting game
Oh that Larry.
Great place to find DRM free games at really good prices. I would have bought Witcher today but I found a copy in a thrift store that came with a really cool manual for 3 bucks.
I'm trying to figure out whether to buy an external DVD drive for this laptop or just buy the damn thing digitally it's a pain to reinstall the disc based version and the patches and the language pack and blah blah blah.
It seemed pretty decent from the bit I've played.
Now they've got Unepic for $2.49
some great stuff for next to nothing. They had The Witcher Enhanced Edition for 2 bucks and now Amnesia for 2 bucks. unfortunately I already have both of them
Well it's official. Bieber has a new #1 hit. He's the number 1 petition on the site today with over 204,000 signatures. LOL
Thanks Chris, downloaded the last time they had it for free. I haven't even checked it out yet but free is free right? :)
Like Legitimate Pirate the other 3 are oxymorons. :)