Posted on 04/02/2012 at 10:56 AM
| Filed Under Review
I just wanted to comment on this. I'm probably the other huge JRPG fan here. I'm currently playing through Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier on my DS, having just finished Etrian Odyssey 3. I completely understand where Jon is coming from here, specifically when it comes to Tales games.
Further nerd cred: My first Tales experience was on a hacked rom using DeJap's translation patch to play Tales of Phantasia on an emulator sometime around 2000, and I loved every second of it. I would consider myself a fan of the franchise.
Frankly, I'm Talesd out. I just finished playing Vesperia on my 360, and we JUST got Tales of the Abyss on 3ds, which I picked up. The games are visually striking and constantly make me stop and just stare at the artwork. The characters hold my interest. The problem is that the actual gameplay feels very samey from release to release. I want to play Tales games, and I do, but I personally need space between trips to Tales worlds.
I strongly feel that both the issues the reviewer makes, and his score are appropriate and match what I would score this game had I reviewed it. His comments, both positive and negative are accurate, and his rating is flush with what our review policy dictates. I have nothing more to say on the subject that hasn't already been said, except to point out that now two big JRPG fans have made the same observations and have parallel opinion on the game. He and I both love the games, but can't award a super high score because there's a lack of innovation causing combat fatigue. Being a fan does not justify bumping up a score.