I'm currently playing through Jak & Daxter on teh HD collection on the PS3. Man, I love this series!
I'm currently playing through Jak & Daxter on teh HD collection on the PS3. Man, I love this series!
HAA HAAA HAAA! You're awesome.
You get props for the Jurassic Park reference.
Epic Fb post. Loved the photo of the Aye-Aye.
Dude, I've had that happen to me once or twice while playing Metroid Prime. Since then, I always save ASAP after gaining new sutff or beforeafter defeating bosses. Best way to fly.
I definitely understand your rage against that guy. I wasn't impressed with that crappy "song" he performed on the Grammys. And yes, I was offended by what West said about Beck after the show. I mean, Beck did nothing wrong by winning a Grammy. Plus Beyonce won 3 of them that night (if memory serves correctly)
Sadly, in this world there is no such thing as "bad publicity". Kanye clearly is a man without decency.
HAA HAA HAAA! No way dude!
In that case, I ought to be really ashamed of myself because I have Metal Saga still brand new sitting in the shrinkwrap. I got it based on a recommendation from the clerk at my local (now defunct) brick & mortar game store. He knew I loved RPGs and told me to definitely pick up Metal Saga because it was pretty interesting. I seem to remember it getting good reviews back in the day.
This was also around the time where I realized that, as much as I love RPGs...I had too many to play, and kinda burned out. 9 years later...still haven't played the game. But I just might now.
Yeah, I'm with Matt on this one. Funny fact-- I watch a lot of YouTube and, last week that pre-video Bud Lite commercial kept popping up, and I'd skip it everytime. The first thing that clued me in was the brief sound effect of Pac-Man eating a pellet (I think) that played at the start of the commercial. I was like "something about this feels wrong".
Low and behold, I was forced to see it during the Superbowl-- a bunch of party posers tainting the sanctity that is Pac-Man. Sorry you had to suffer through that 'ol Pac buddy. We will rebuild!
I always liked the "indoor" tune that plays when you go inside a building.
That's cool. Mine's a full Maltese. Cute little guy.