Yeah absolutely. I saw him passing but he stopped about 100 yards down the road and reversed back to me. Pure gent.
Yeah absolutely. I saw him passing but he stopped about 100 yards down the road and reversed back to me. Pure gent.
Yeah it might be a good game to play with the TV on in the background.
And yeah I'm a lucky lad in more ways than one.
Absolutely. I had a friend who flipped his car a few years back when he had a blowout. He was alright fortunately but scary stuff.
I haven't played much of any kart racer but I like it so far
It was tough obviously but victory is sweet
I've been thinking about Killzone but I'll probably just wait for it to inevitably be added to PS+. I'm glad to hear it's good. I've got so much to play right now on the Vita and have pre-ordered Final Fantasy X which is out next month.
I agree with the intriguing characters. There's a lot of depth in their personalities which make the dialogue choices fun.
And yes, those aliens suck. And of course by "suck", I mean "kick my ass". I haven't met them enough to tell, but I think they basicly auto-kill whoever they get near. Very tough as they are able to traverse a lot of ground each turn.
Steam is great but can be a little dangerous for both the wallet and the backlog
Haha noted. I think I picked up a bit on his pattern but damn do you have to be exact with your input. The game doesn't feel cheap at least to that's a positive.