My brother Jeff really likes Dungeons and Dragons and said he wasn't originally going to watch this, but then he did watch it and said it wasn't that bad.
My brother Jeff really likes Dungeons and Dragons and said he wasn't originally going to watch this, but then he did watch it and said it wasn't that bad.
Oh I thought you just liked things that were "Last." NOW it makes a lot more sense! :)
Thanks for reading and commenting! I like ninjas, too, as long as they're nice ninjas and not scary ones. And yeah, Cuddly Forest Friends is NOT like Happy Tree Friends!
I don't think that controller is upside down. I just think that you hold it by the horns, and then the face is upside down. That way you still use the left d pad with your left hand.
If it weren't for Animal Crossing: New Leaf being released that same year, DuckTales Remastered would've gotten my Game of the Year award that year. I know it'll probably never happen, but I'd love to see a Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers Remastered.
I'm probably the only person in the world who didn't like EarthBound. And you'd think I would. But when I auditioned to be a game reviewer for The Dallas Morning News, I had to write a review of a game I liked, and a game I didn't like. For the game I liked, I reviewed Final Fantasy 6. For the game I didin't like? was EarthBound.
I just didn't like the archaic battle system when FF6's was just so much more fun. And the storyline was so nonsensical that I had no idea where to go 90 percent of the time. There's a reason why that game came with a strategy guide when it was brought to the US. So I don't really have much desire to play Mother 3. Although one of these days when I don't have anything to do (ha), I may give EarthBound a second chance.
Of course, I'm just a weird gamer I suppose. I mean, I'm just as excited for Puzzle Bobble Everybubble as I am Tears of the Kingdom, so what do I know?
I love love love love Animal Crossing. Sorry I'm not playing it anymore. When it first came out in 2020, I played it for a full year and then when the DLC came out, I played it for another couple of months. So I've had my fill of it. I still play the mobile game, though. Because I'm insane.
When I was at Super Nintendo World, EVERYONE was wearing Mario T shirts. So I decided to be a rebel and wore my Mega Man shirt on the day we arrived and my Animal Crossing shirt while at the park. An employee even commented on my choice of wearing a Mega Man shirt in a Mario themed park.
I'm just going to put a SPOILER ALERT right here, although I don't think it's much of a spoiler.
So there wasn't much Yoshi in the Mario movie, except for one scene where you saw a herd of Yoshis running by in the background as Mario and Peach were walking in a montage. So I guess maybe they're hinting that Yoshi will be featured more in the next movie. And you know they're going to have a sequel since the Mario movie is almost about to reach a billion in sales and maybe even surpass Frozen as the highest grossing animated feature of all time. Which I think is hilarious.
I think my favorite video game female character is Cammy. Not sure why though. She has a cool red hat and sometimes I can win when playing as her. I'm horrible at fighting games. Other favorites include Reiko Nagase, Ulala, Taki, Leona Heidern, Tron Bonne, Samus, and a bunch of others.
Favorite female game creators as a topic is a really good idea! I pick Carol Shaw, the original creator of River Raid. I played that game a lot on my Atari 5200. I also pick Junko Tamiya. She did the music for the classic NES Capcom game Little Nemo: The Dream Master as well as some other Mega Man songs during her time at Capcom. And Yoko Shimomura did the music for some of the Mario RPG games and Kingdom Hearts!
While Sunshine is one of my least favorite 3D Mario games, I still think it's awesome and I loved how it really made you feel like you were on a vacation. Heck, even the ghost house level was a haunted resort hotel!