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SanAndreas's Comments - Page 49

Mulling Over Console Generations

Posted on 06/23/2021 at 07:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

There were a lot of intermediate systems that came out in the middle of a generation that don't fit in with the big dogs of the generation and didn't match the power of the following gen's mainstays. In the 80s and 90s, those systems came from would-be rivals, but over the last ten-15 years they've been mid-generation refreshes from the Big Three.

Examples would be the Atari 5200, which came out around the time of the Colecovision, so the CV and the 5200 could be seen as a mini-generation between the 2600, Intellivision, Odyssey2, and the Bally Astrocade. The Atari XEGS, which was an Atari XE repackaged as a console, and the 5200 itself was based on a simplified version of the architecture thaf powered the early Atari 8-but computers; it very was easy for hackers to port 5200 games to the 8-bit computers. Atari's third gen entry is generally considered to be the 7800, which was outclassed by the NES and Master System. The CD-I, 3DO, and Jaguar, which were positioned as more powerful competitors to the SNES and Genesis, yet were badly outmatched by the Saturn, PS1, and N64. The Wii U, which was not as powerful as PS4, X1, or the Switch. The PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X. The Switch itself is competing against the 8th and 9th generation Playstations and Xboxes. 

Sonic the Hedgehog Review

Posted on 06/23/2021 at 07:18 PM | Filed Under Review

The Spring Yard Zone theme was my favorite track from the game.

I think that in some ways I enjoyed Sonic's first couple of outings every bit as much as SMW. One of my gripes with the series was the fact that there was so much emphasis on running and speed - blast processing, baby - yet the level design hindered that speed because you'd run smack into lethal obstacles before you could react, and a lot of levels simply weren't conducive to running. When it came to areas requiring tight platformong, that's where Sonic's weaknesses compared to Mario would really show. Sonic was simply nowhere near as responsive as a Mario game, and one of the things I love about SMB3 is that the controls are near-perfect. And that was an 8-bit game, not a 16-bit game. Sonic never really achieved that.

Mulling Over Console Generations

Posted on 06/23/2021 at 02:28 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Switch is kind of an odd beast. It was released in the latter half of 8th gen and will be competing with PS5 and XSX|S for some time as well. 

My favorite gen was 6th gen (PS2/GC) but my favorite system is the Switch.

Galaxian Review

Posted on 06/21/2021 at 10:42 PM | Filed Under Review

One of the main features of Centipede and Millipede is that the games force you to divide your attention between the upper screen with the advancing centipedes/millipedes as well as scorpions, and the lower part of the screen where you had the spiders, any stray centipede/millipede parts, and the ladybugs in Millipede. I played both games on Atari hardware. There was also a NES version of Millipede made by HAL Labs (under Satoru Iwata, no less), which also did the NES Joust and Defender ports, all of them sporting sound and music samples from Punch-Out!! And finally, there was an arcade clone of Centipede called War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers (sic) in a Mushroom Maze, which was made using the Galaxian hardware.

What is the Golden Age of JRPGs?

Posted on 06/20/2021 at 03:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I was really excited when SaGa Frontier got ported to Switch and PS4. I'm hoping they do the same for Star Ocean 2, Valkyrie Profile, and especially Xenogears and FF Tactics. i'd think Nintendo itself would be interested in Xenogears as it's ths origin of one of Nintendo's tent pole franchises. 

We missed out on too many hidden SFC classics, like DQ5-6, FF5, Trials of Mana, and the Fire Emblem games, just to name a few. It's too bad something like Operation Rainfall couldn't have been organized back then. 


What is the Golden Age of JRPGs?

Posted on 06/19/2021 at 11:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The PS1 era. The SNES's RPG library, while it has some enduring classics, was pretty dependent on Square, at least in the US since Dragon Quest V and VI were not localized. The PS1 and PS2 had a much deeper and broader library of RPGs. We had a lot more different styles of RPG on PS1 and PS2, including some of the best SRPGs, and companies like Capcom, Namco, Konami, Working Designs, Tri-Ace, Level-5, Atlus, and many others contributing to the PS1/PS2 RPG pool. 

I'd honestly say that the Nintendo system with the best RPG library is the Switch, and the Switch is damned near an RPG golden age in itself that's coming pretty close to the PS1. DQXI, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, Valkyria Chronicles, and SMT V are all amazing. 

Special: The List 2- Part Two

Posted on 06/17/2021 at 05:51 PM | Filed Under Feature

Other than Mario and Zelda, Dragon Quest is the series I've stuck with for the longest, having played the original when it first came out on NES. That said, it was hard for the seventh game to make a splash on PS1 compared to the Final Fantasies or even more offbeat fare like Lunar or Enix's own Valkyrie Profile. But I did get the Game Boy Color remakes of the NES games. Level-5 was the best choice they could possibly have made for VIII, as not only was that game great, but I think it was an eye-opener for Horii and Toriyama that they could both stick with tradition, yet work with more modern technology. 

Adventures in Game Land

Posted on 06/16/2021 at 05:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My favorite western RPG company is actually Obsidian. New Vegas is the best Fallout, South Park was good, the Outer Worlds is great. It's too bad Obsidian got swallowed up by the Redmond anaconda along with Bethesda. 

Cary at E3 2021

Posted on 06/16/2021 at 05:12 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Nintendo satisfied me with SMT V (finally a firm release date), Metroid Dread, and Advance Wars.

Kazuya is cool enough, since he goes with characters like Terry, Ken, and Ryu, but I would like to see Lloyd Irving or Yuri Lowell representing my favorite Namco series. It would also be cool to see Virtua Fightee represented (I do have the Akira Mii Fighter costume.) I also would like Scorpion or Sub-Zero. Scorpion could probably be done in a way that wouldn't upset players with Mario getting a gory Fatality. Maybe Nintendo will be cool about it. They seem to like the Witcher, and they've been pretty friendly with Netherrealm over the years. 

Super Mario Bros. 3 Review

Posted on 06/16/2021 at 04:50 PM | Filed Under Review

Some of the visual elements in the levels were also meant to evoke a play. For instance, the platforms that seemed to be suspended by strings or bolted to the backdrop. Also, the way the levels all ended was supposed to be an "exit stage left" (which it would be from the perspective of Mario as an actor on stage.) 


Nintendo does that a lot, actually. Look at the intro to Super Mario All-Stars or some of Nintend's online presentations. Those seem to be probably deliberate callbacks to Warner Bros cartoons that showed mortal enemies like Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd as colleagues and actors when off-camera("What's Up, Doc?") Mario was designed as an "actor" like Bugs or Mickey that could be plugged into any situation he was needed for. 

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