Posted on 05/17/2011 at 03:39 PM
| Filed Under Review
Having owned and played the SNES, PSX, and DS versions of the game, the DS version is the best. The PSX version of the game has cutscenes and a ton of unlockable bonus features, like a treasure map and a beastiary, yes, but the loading times. They're just painful.
I didn't mind the new translation of the DS version at all. When it comes to the extra dungeons, there's actually a very long, story-based dungeon that relates heavily to a land in Chrono Cross, and then three shorter dungeons with interesting bosses at the end. The former dungeon is entirely bland and dull, but the latter three are quick, have a variety of enemies, and offer some bonuses that were unobtainable before.
If you're crazy like me, and you want to try a low-level run of some sort, the Arena is actually something very nice. Aside from granting access to equipment and items that before would have been pretty out of reach in the early game, the arena also (albeit very rarely) rewards players with a "Wallet." That's an item that turns experience into gold at the end of each battle, so Crono and the team can win a fight, but not level up. Before, the wallet was found mid-to-late game, but now it can be found before Crono fights a single battle. Hooray!