Opps sorry. I keep forgetting you got your laptop for gaming now. Though I'd like to forsake my destop I just can't. It still has it's usages even if everyone is going moble with their computing (myself included)
Opps sorry. I keep forgetting you got your laptop for gaming now. Though I'd like to forsake my destop I just can't. It still has it's usages even if everyone is going moble with their computing (myself included)
it's cool I knew you were poking fun. Personally I'd like to do something like you plug but timing always seems to get in my way. No feelings hurt so no worries. Perhaps next year will work out scheduling wise.
Look at me, I sound like this is a job or something =P
Bummer. Hopefully we can get one sometime soon. No gamer should be without =(
You didn't get hit with that sudden cold snap that's currently getting some of the New England area sound of you are te?
I've yet to see the current Hobbit movies out at the moment but I keep hearing good things about this "Shadows of Mordor" game. I may not get into reading of JRR just yet but the games are slowly starting to intruge.
I'm with you on Costume Quest 2, though money wasn't somewhat of an issue I just couldn't bring myself to spend $15 on a 6 hour game no matter how much I loved the first one.
No, no, no. You said it all wrong. Your supposed to say it like this...
It'll take some time for a cat to bond with you. Hopefully you picked one that'll come to like you. I've known people who got cats only for them not to care about their owner no matter what they did to earn it's trust. They can be filckle creatures cats can.
Car trouble is never fun. Hope it works out but I'm still reading thru my blog backlogs.
3/4 from the BIA records. Though I don't look it thanks to staying indoors and keeping a beard when I can.
I think it's time for me to get back into Need for Speed. I stopped caring about the series when EA was pulling that ONline Pass BS. But now that they've learned their ways, it's time to give them a second chance. An ultimate version of this game doesn't hurt either, so long as you don't need an download voucher that is.
I guess I should've explained that better in this write up. it's one of the core mechnanics of the series. Your main character is suppose to have super fast reflexes at a push of a button that enters you into what I like to call "epic slo-mo" mode. It's in real handy if you want to take out a squad of Replica soliders with one clip of ammo, that is if you have enough time built up in your slow-mo gauge.
*looks at PS3 version*
NO! NO! Frak this game! Frak it hard! It has no place in my Octoberween gaming and it's horrid excuse of a story taht is basically a retelling of....
*looks at PS4 no-psn-pass version*
Well this does look like an interesting title. Perhaps I have been blinded by my hate over it's use of PSN pass to give it a fare shake. too bad this isn't enough for me to get a PS4 though, moreso since there is rumor of yet ANOTHER version of this game to come out soon.
I need to get Lifeline for STate of Decay. Loved the concept of this game. It's just too bad it didn't fully get to the MMO style that they originally wanted it to be. I wouldn't mind a console MMO zombie title, so long as it's nto like that Z game...