Im always lurking when i can :P
I'm actually not a HUGE fan of the first game either, but ME2 is one of my favorite games ever.
Thanks :)
It's been pretty decent had very few server errors during launch at least in comparison to what ive been hearing from others.
I have the ME trilogy on 360 and PS3 XD its easily my favorite series this gen
I'm not a fan of the subscription fee, but i can deal with it. The games pretty damn fun, and i think its worth it all things considered, btw if you get the PS3 version they'll let you upgrade to the PS4 version for free.
See you've been keeping up your blog nicely :) I still read it when i get a chance. I'll try to keep up with my own now, hopefully.
Plus has more extras than just the DLC, costumes, events, trophies. If you have a Vita i'd reccomend just getting plus
Oddly enough ME1 ran pretty perfect for me on PS3, 2 and 3 not so much. It is nice to play them on a console that I have a decent controller for though. My xbox controller is pretty much on its last legs as is my xbox XD