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transmet2033's Comments - Page 6

Episode 149: Remaking the Remaster

Posted on 04/15/2019 at 11:10 AM | Filed Under Feature

Stage Select:  The Jindosh Riddle in Dishonored 2.  Look at the above link to see the riddle.  The entire level is based around this riddle.  Your task is to solve the riddle, which is randomized for each playthrough.  The idea is that you are going to go out into the level and find the character who knows the answer...  OR...  you can sit down and solve the riddle yourself and bypass the entire level.

Cage Match:  I will go with Skyrim because I do not think I could go back PS2 era Yakuza game.
If it is really Kiwami, or 0 then the pick would have been Yakuza...

Episode 148: Higher. Further. Faster.

Posted on 03/14/2019 at 11:15 AM | Filed Under Feature

Stage Select - this will end up being a joky answer.  FF VII, i would do it very carefully because you know Nomura may never finish it.  Plus, I want to limit the number of zippers.

Cage Match - MK XL.  Why, because I find XL to be amusing on so many levels.  Especially since it is the roman numeral for 40.

Episode 148: Higher. Further. Faster.

Posted on 03/14/2019 at 05:57 AM | Filed Under Feature

Did the stage select music change to MMX?

Episode 147: Video Game Cage Match Beyond Thunderdome

Posted on 03/07/2019 at 10:26 AM | Filed Under Feature

I just thought of the best Cage Match.

Witcher 3 vs Bloodborne

Episode 147: Video Game Cage Match Beyond Thunderdome

Posted on 03/04/2019 at 12:18 PM | Filed Under Feature

I know he is not a superhero, but I want a Transmetropolitan videogame so bad.  I am not quite sure how it would play or work, but I love Spider Jerusalem and want to be in that world...
Wait, Moon Knight is the correct answer.

Thoughts on KH vs Earthbound.  I am really hoping some random challenger emerges from the shadows to pummel them both.  

Return to Bioshock Infinite

Posted on 02/18/2019 at 07:09 AM | Filed Under Blogs

You should love the DLC then.  If I remember it correctly, they went back to some of what made the original game great...  plus they went back to Rapture.

Episode 146: The Great Game Giveaway

Posted on 02/15/2019 at 08:08 PM | Filed Under Feature

While I havent watched season 5.  I know Walter listens to Yaz, and that alone is reason enough for the season to exist.

Episode 146: The Great Game Giveaway

Posted on 02/15/2019 at 12:12 PM | Filed Under Feature

If there is really just one aspect I were to pull, it would be sequence breaking. I love how Zero Mission incoporated it into the game. They built ways to get into Ridley without the standard upgrades. You don't need the long beam if you know to angle down at one section of blocks. This is what I think these metroidvanias are missing.

Return to Bioshock Infinite

Posted on 02/15/2019 at 10:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I played through Infinite relatively recently.  I think I enjoyd it more this second time.  Having several years between playthroughs and having a proper set of expectations.  I liked it my first run, but it was a disappointment.

Episode 146: The Great Game Giveaway

Posted on 02/15/2019 at 09:40 AM | Filed Under Feature

Stage Select:  The only thing I want from the next gen....  ... 
BETTER FRICKIN' DIGITAL STORES - the psn sucks, the eshop sucks, no idea about the Xbox, but I assume it sucks.

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