Curse is awful.. I was infected once on my first playthrough, and I wisened up quickly afterwards!
Fun fact, those butchers are female, and they're sole purpose is to feed the Gaping Dragon
Curse is awful.. I was infected once on my first playthrough, and I wisened up quickly afterwards!
Fun fact, those butchers are female, and they're sole purpose is to feed the Gaping Dragon
No biggy man, I was bound to run into one at some point, lol
Shepard dies in the end..?
I didn't expect you to post anything else!
Damn dude.. That food looks incredible!
F-Zero and Balloon Fight.
There are a few of those games in which I haven't played before, but the ones that I have played I liked quite a bit!
When I was younger (10 or 12) I used to play NeoPets all the time! Before it was a console game, it was a website/flash based game in which you could pick a 'pet' and play a bunch of minigames!
I'm just gonig to throw this out there.. But that house looks like the house in The Chainsaw Massacre.. I think it's those pillars.. lol
Also.. I see nothing wrong with wearing Chucks, lol