That's an intentional given :P
Atleast you gotta admit the credits song was pretty catchy.
That's an intentional given :P
Atleast you gotta admit the credits song was pretty catchy.
It is pretty crazy. Like Joe said, the PC version is pretty much only for two players. I think the IOS port added options for single-player.
Really nice my cousins had this game on their PS2 and managed to play it a few times, since I had such a blast. Loved the variety and combat above all. Shame I never managed to beat this before my cousins sold off their PS2.
Yup, you discovered the double-edge sword of PC gaming. Honestly, I don't mind the keyboard for some games and I can't see myself using a pad for games that work better with the mouse and keyboard. Graphics and compatibility are a bitch though. Despite this, i'm am never giving up on PC gaming. I pretty much embrace it now, especially since I get to play catch up with some game I missed on the 7th gen and the awesome indies.
Dude, I love the humour from Portal and I cracked up quite a few time, but maybe that's because I apreciate the more sardonic and black humour and honestly, humour doesn't have to be a laugh prompt just to be good. Besides that, it adds a lot to the character of Glados and the narrative, which I think it's brilliant. Just go along with the game, it gets better the more you play.
I'm quite surprised you got the physical Prime Trilogy for 30, considering the rarity status it eventually got. I'm lucky to have bought it on the same year it was released and I consider my copy as one of my best gaming possesions.
Can't believe this BaD passed so crazy fast. Atleast that's what I felt.
I still haven't seen much of Star Trek, but I did knew Leonard and I thought he was a great man. Shame to see him pass away :(
...... I don't think it's a very apropiate time to bring that fact Cary.
Very interesting your reasoning for your dislike of the "graphics whore" term. I wouldn't say I agree, as much as I found the article interesting. I consider graphics more of a secondary, but I do admit that excellent graphics can make some games stand out more and create an identity.
I would play Legends, but I would like to finish Origins first. If Origings is already one of my favorite 2D plataformers, then oh boy i'm excited for Legends.
Very nice. Now, if only Nintendo bothers to bring the Eshop to my country.....
Due to slight panic over San Andreas being played by children, my parents prohibited me to play it on my Xbox years. However, I did played it a few times and I really enjoyed it. I'm kinda looking forward in playing my Steam copy, although last year they had an update where they put compatibility with the 360 pad, but apparently downgraded the resolution and had to take out a few songs due to copyright. I'll try to ignore that.
Man, I wish Nintendo just brings the Eshop to Colombia already as I want to play the original Shantae so badly. I'm also hoping to grab Risky's Revenge over Steam on a good sale.
I'm interested in collecting and reading the TMNT comics. I grew up as a fan of the 2003 series.