Thanks for reminding me I still have this game to finish. Nice blog!
Thanks for reminding me I still have this game to finish. Nice blog!
Everything you've mention about moving to the other side of the planet sounds awesome except for the 10 quid pints. That sounds like my worst nightmare. LOL
Tie mi kangaroo down sport. LOL
Well if you think about it, turn based RPGs and Strategy RPG make you think about everything you do. It's all about planning what your next move is. To me that's vital in real life. If I do this, he'll do that. Thinking about the reaction to your actions is paramount in winning the battle.
Many RPGs challenge you with puzzles that must be overcome using logic as do puzzle games such as the Professor Layton series.
I'm not sure they qualify as making you smarter but they surely aren't geared towards idiots.
Primal. I came right to the final boss battle in that game and never finished. Even so what I played was a lot of fun and I've since purchased it on PSN. It deserves some love.
I voted for ED. So who's not pulling their weight around here? Hmmmm?
You stop that right now ! You will not talk me into going back there. Lol
You could not pay me enough to attempt this game a 4th time. I've tried and failed 3 times, that's quite enough. I've never gone past chapter 5.
I voted ED but a another game as great as Soul Reaver would be a must buy for me as well.
Well they originally said that RE: Revelations would release at $49.99 too but that did not turn out to be the case.