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Michael117's Comments - Page 53

Dark Souls Diary - the grand finale

Posted on 08/03/2013 at 06:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm really glad you enjoyed the series. It's definitely not a game I'd recommend to you, it's very combat focused and can be demanding in its requirements for timing, equipment management, and combat technique at every turn. It's a cool game to watch other people play, before I bought the game I spent about an hour watching somebody do a Let's Play on youtube of this game and I loved what I saw.

It's amazing that the Great Wolf stayed with you all this time, he's stayed with me too. He's still my favorite boss in the game and he has my favorite backstory. You get to find out a lot more about him in the DLC they made for the game, and the story behind why he's still alive and protecting the grave of his best friend/master is heartbreaking and makes it even sadder that you have to kill him in the course of the game.

The Knight Artorias and Great Wolf Sif were companions and best friends. Artorias was sent into a kingdom named Oolacile to save their Princess from the spreading Abyss. Over time I guess the dark of the Abyss took over the knight and began poisoning him/stripping away his humanity. Once he knew the Abyss would win and he'd lose his life, Artorias in a last valiant act took off his giant shield (a shield that boasts great magical defenses) and cast it over his friend Great Wolf Sif (who was very small and young at the time). The magical defenses of the shield saved the wolf and he managed to survive the Abyss and get back to safety. Back in the normal world the grown up Great Wolf now lives alone and protects the grave and equipment of his best friend that saved his life.

Dark Souls Diary - the grand finale

Posted on 07/31/2013 at 07:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks for the link. Ah I see now, you have to wait till you have the Lordvessel and the Broken Pendant. That's pretty deep into the journey so I see what you mean. My NG+ character should be able to deal with it, but my brand other character I made will have to level up quite a bit and do lots of upgrading.

Dark Souls Diary - the grand finale

Posted on 07/31/2013 at 06:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm going to have to get some MS points and get the AotA DLC soon. Does it matter when you go into the DLC? I remember hearing that you need some kind of pendant to warp to the DLC area, but once I grab whatever pendant it is should I be worried about my level?

Dark Souls Diary - the grand finale

Posted on 07/31/2013 at 06:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I haven't downloaded the AotA DLC for Dark Souls yet but I'd like to sometime because I've only heard good things about it. It looks really awesome

Dark Souls Diary - the grand finale

Posted on 07/31/2013 at 06:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I farmed a lot in that grassy area in Darkroot Garden too, where that Cleric, Mage, Bandit, and Theif are. It's a nice place to farm for souls since they all give you over 1000 souls each, I forget how much each guy gives you exactly, but it's a good amount.

When I was a lower level character I used that cheap strategy of kicking them off the cliff all the time lol. That Bandit especially hacked me to pieces all the time so I used cheap tactics to get rid of him. Once I started getting stronger I started fighting them fairly.

Dark Souls Diary - the grand finale

Posted on 07/30/2013 at 09:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I started NG+ a couple days ago and I'm back in the Undead Burg. I farmed for souls a ton during the first playthrough so I'm well over Soul Level 100 by now. I forgot my exact level but I'm way up there now. Even then some of the low-level enemies in Undead Burg are doing quite a bit of damage and keeping me from feeling invincible still. No matter how much I try to break the game it still retains its challenge and makes me be careful. I'm also going to start a brand new game with a new class on the side.

Community Poll #20

Posted on 07/30/2013 at 03:32 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Dark Souls. 10.

Should DLC be included in the game?

Posted on 07/30/2013 at 03:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

DLC can be awesome if you have good ideas on how to expand the game, it's not inherently an anti-consumer practice at all and I don't think it's nickle and diming. Just because some companies nickel and dime people with poor DLC doesn't mean the DLC is bad, it means the company is bad.

DLC is a necessary practice for some companies out there because it's a way to keep as many of your employees on board as possible. After most games finish a lot of people either quit and go find other work in the downtime or get fired since the company can't afford to keep paying people when there's no actual project and work getting done, people need to pay bills and eat after all so they often need to find new work all the time in the development world to keep a consistent flow of money going to pay their bills.

Recently when DoubleFine requested more money for their adventure game, of which they already had more than a million dollars donated to their cause, people were upset at the idea of companies beginning work on a new game before the previous one is out, or just trying to soak up so much money even after people have already been more than generous. It's kind of necessary though as shady as it feels to people on the outside. It's possible there's some poor money management and business going on at DoubleFine, but in general it makes sense if they want to ask for more money so that they can keep their employees employed after the new game is done. They can start working on something new, work on DLC, do whatever it takes to keep the company afloat and keep the team of people you like together. Making video games is a risky and expensive business for everybody and the profit margins are really thin. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

Community Poll #16

Posted on 07/23/2013 at 06:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I like to play difficult games but I never throw controllers. I can't remember ever throwing a controller, the only damage the happens to mine have always been accidents by stepping on the cords and making them fall from an entertainment center or dropping them in my hands onto the floor.

As a kid I never threw controllers either, I always knew that the controllers were a product that I had to take care of and without it I wouldn't be able to play my games, and they are expensive so I never wanted to waste them by tossing them around. Some of it is just patience and never getting too upset at video games, but some of it was always just respecting my property and not wanting to ruin stuff.

I did kick a computer and screw it up a bit once, I hate all the computers I grew up with, we never had anything up to date and they were all mildly functional and I never got used to it like everybody else did. They would overheat and shut down all the time, get viruses, HDs would crash, speeds would be super slow, normal computer stuff. I tried to kick one of them to death one time and broke up some of the shell and maybe messed up some of the multimedia drives I think.

I, The Community Manager

Posted on 07/17/2013 at 09:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Need. more. Dark Souls. Chris.

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