Thing is most people buy used games to save money. And for the most part even a used copy of a game that has only been out for a few months will often be maybe 5 bucks cheaper than new at best. If its a game I really want I'd rather cough up the extra 5 bucks and get a virgin copy. Which is supposedly what publishers and develpers are crying about, used games cutting into the sales of new games. But as I just mentioned there is no incintive to buy a used copy of a newish game because your not saving anything. So that kind of kills that argument for me. Plus even if you trade a used game for a new game or I should say a stack of used games for a single new game, that new copy is being paid for. Gamestop had to pay for it and they will make that money back and profit from reselling the trade-ins. The point is there is no gap, every original copy is being paid for once, which is fair. Honestly I think the real issue here is that Gamestop has a monopoly with this.They give you chump change for a trade or sell, and then mark the game price up to high heaven when they resell it. If anything I feel guilty when I buy a used game because I know the person who sold it or traded it in didn't get shit for it.