I mean, you know Japan and Japanese video games, so as long as you remember that it is military sci-fi from a Japanese movie buff you should be fine.
I mean, you know Japan and Japanese video games, so as long as you remember that it is military sci-fi from a Japanese movie buff you should be fine.
I'd skip Peacewalker, because it's almost impossible to play solo, and the Monster Hunter-style boss fights are lame in the MGS framework.
Glad you enjoyed the episode! I was really worried it was too long, but I didn't want to break it in half since it is a milestone show. Also, I have really come to love Arkham Knight but still feel that the batmobile sucks and I need to vent about that.
Awesome! Happy that you enjoyed it!
JD was right, I am rather fond of Dead Space 2. I have thought long and hard about it, and I think it may be one of my favorite games of last gen. The pacing is excellent, and it features one of the most impactful character arcs I have ever seen. I look forward to hearing what JD and Joaquim think about it.
Thank you as always for the kind words. I think you are one of the only people who can claim to have listened to every episode, and I appreciate that. It was very interesting going back through those old episodes and realizing how far we have all come, not just as a show,but in our personal lives. I've seen you grow, too, and it makes me happy that you're actually making a go of the video game industry. I'm quite proud and jealous.
Look forward to episode 75 tomorrow, because it's our longest, most meandering episode ever.
I remember drooling over PSX screenshots of Too Human. :P
Yeah, I remember the first previews of it in EGM. Eternal Darkness also began as an N64 game. And Kameo, if memory serves.
I think FTL is one of the best games of the past few years. I am not much of a PC gamer so I have only put about 13 hours into it, but I always have a great time with it.
I just backed it for two copies! Best of luck to you!