I'm honestly surprised he got there. We all quit at the Grim Reaper haha.
I'm honestly surprised he got there. We all quit at the Grim Reaper haha.
That's how I used to feel. Super Castlevania IV and Rondo of Blood are a bit more forgiving though. They have a lot less knockback and with Rondo it saves your progress every level.
I dropped down to Normal because I found enemies were annoyingly bullet spongey.
Sucks you were on XBO. I need people on PS4 to do Raids with!
Yeah I've played them. I meant to say the SotN style games, so I've played Aria of Sorrow, Dawn of Sorrow, and a little bit of Portrait and Order, and they are rather souls-like. If you have a Vita though you totally need to get Dracula Chronicles X so you can try Rondo. It's so fucking good!
Oh, btw, what's your PSN username? Or could you add me? I'm whatsacow, as per usual. What PS4 games do you have?
I'm on the third level and it's MUCH easier and a lot smoother in general, which is a bit of a relief.
Jesus fucking Christ those glitches, I may never sleep again.
The only problem with Spotify on PS4 is how playlists work. It only plays the first 20 songs in a playlist unless you scroll to the end of said playlist, which is a hassel when some playlists have 1000+ songs.
Yeah I don't mind them either. I got into two dots for a while because I liked its minimalist art and because at the beginning the puzzles were actually designed and not random. Later it basically became candy crush with random puzzles that were potentially impossible unless you paid money. I'd rather spend $3-$5 and get a well designed match 3 puzzler than a free one that was random and just wanted my money.
I hate to admit this, but a match three where I dress up and feed cats may be something the extremely tired version of me may have to download at a later date...
It does suck that every tie in on ios seems to be a match 3 game. Kubo especially deserves better - especially since it's basically a Zelda movie.
That's awesome. I will definitely be tuning into that and may donate when I get paid next! Could you put up a blog closer to the date as a reminder for the stream?
Is it tile based? I love games like Etrian and other old school dungeon crawlers like Wizardry 8 and Legend of Grimrock, so I may have to look into this, even if it's not first person.