Man, I can't even look at football uniforms right now. I miss Dak. lol
Man, I can't even look at football uniforms right now. I miss Dak. lol
The only game's ammo system that ever annoyed me was Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. I hated having limiting light/dark ammo in the dark world when the dark world slowly kills you without light bubbles.
Anyway, I have Doom 2016 and it's fun, but I would be interested in this let down of a story you mention.
Not on Twitter! That's for damn sure.
But seriously, I am pretty sure my deactivated account just got deleted ... I *might* make a new one and follow exclusively gaming stuff, but we'll see.
And that makes all three comments about me I've replied to now. I missed being obnoxious.
Oh, it was the mildest of cases ... although my fatigue is worse than usual. I still think that's more likely the restrictive diet and lack of sleep though.
My two favorite haunted houses in video games are Luigi's Mansion, because it's charming and not spooky at all and the one in Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem because it gave me the most uneasy shit-my-pants feeling I think I've ever had in a video game. Just walking around in there made me uneasy.
I'm pretty sure I played Left 4 Dead with a friend once, so that.
Nailed it.
My 8-week class is ending, so I should be able to get my picks in this week.
I remember discovering girls ... they never quite discovered me.
I'll have to watch the YouTube stuff later, but interesting concept.
I didn't like it as a kid, but having Bowser in there was fun.
I'd probably appreciate it more now. Maybe.