Star Luster ... what a name and backstory.
Star Luster ... what a name and backstory.
I loved A-Team. A friend and I watched it and The Expendables around the same time and were way more impressed by how fun A-Team was. I laughed hard when it took 15-30 minutes of action to see the title screen.
I was also hyped for Epic Mickey, but never got a chance to play it. I always loved the concept though.
My favorite two-piece band is Death From Above 1979.
Congrats to your daughter and I hope she does well.
Also glad you could get your old job back, though sorry to hear about the government shenanigans at the ideal one.
Happy gaming.
Let me know if you do end up playing SFV. Wouldn't mind an actual human opponent.
Those are some cool Bucs helmets.
I really like that song.
Hot Fuzz is one of ny favorite movies. Have you seen At the World's End? i'm fairly sure that came out after Paul. I could be wrong.
In 2007, I was 17 and I'm honestly not sure what the hell I was doing.
I actually prefer playing through storylines, but have been jumping around quite a bit myself lately.
I finished the RPG episode last night, so I'll have to get to the rest of it between episodes of Schitt$ Creek.
Nice! I'm not even down to 184 yet. Good work, man.