Hahahaha you can hardly contain that little hurricane.
Hahahaha you can hardly contain that little hurricane.
Hell yeah. The first season was awesome, and loved every bit of it. The second season is not as great as the first in my opinion, but still enjoyable to watch. Ki's probably my favorite character, and she's so gorgeous too.
Dark Souls 2 cancelled. Now called Dark Souls Online, and free to play.
The 'w' is pronunced like an english 'v'.
Quilladin is of a simpler design compared to Pignite, I think.
You can always hope for DLC to play with characters that you wouldn't normally have in an SS game.
Go figure. With over 600 Pokemon available someone was bound to think "we better stop with the catch em all" haha.
I'm probably going to pick up Pokemon X, but I'm just going to wait out until I can see all evolutions for new pokemon just so I can focus myself on training a select few. Don't really care about the "collect them all" thing.
I got the Black XL. I was surprised to still see a good number of XLs on the shelf considering this low price. It's a really nice system. The big screen is effin' awesome. I'm finally playing Luigi's Mansion because I was holding back on playing any physical games until I got an XL, and it's a fun game.
My store didn't have Bioshock Infinite in stock, or at least I couldn't find it. For $15 ya can't go wrong.