How'd you know Nick loves the whole "Derpa Derpa Derpa" Rob Schneider thing? That's incredible.
At any rate, I don't even have a 360. You should have seen the tweets Nick and I sent out during their E3 press conference. We definitely weren't fond of that experience.
Anyway, for what it's worth, if we favor anything, it's Nintendo games, which is partially why we're looking for someone out there to review PSP games. Before Stanton joined the staff, we hardly had anyone out there to review 360 stuff. That said, I've seen Nintendo fans say we're biased against the Wii, Sony fans say we're biased against Sony, and 360 fans suggest the same about their console, so at this point, I imagine it's a matter of perspective.
If you are ever curious to see if PixlBit will be reviewing a game, leave a post on the forums about the game and ask if we will be. I'll make sure to find out the answer for you, though if it's "No," that could always change in the future.
And Matt, close your tag!