Interesting theory, but I seriously doubt it. LOL.
Naw, There were waaay too many other NES games that suffered the same fate with regards to the hit detection. Metal Gear was just another casualty.
Interesting theory, but I seriously doubt it. LOL.
Naw, There were waaay too many other NES games that suffered the same fate with regards to the hit detection. Metal Gear was just another casualty.
Darn it!....I left my headphones at home this one time! Man...really wanted to listen to the show during work today. Oh well, I'll catch it later.
By the way, is that Spawn on the cover of a Sonic comic? Wow.
Yeah, I mean...whodda thunk it? I remember having Metal Gear sometime in the early-to-mid 90's but I didn't play it at the time because my older brother told it wasn't a game for me. He probably thought it was too hard or something. He was probably right.
But I'm certainly glad the series didn't stop here. Kojima has far too many good ideas still floating around in his head.
Hey Man, glad to see you around here again. I'm glad to here that Bullet Heaven is doing well. I haven't check out any episodes recently, but I'm still pulling for ya man. Keep up the good woork.
That's EXACTLY what happens Julian. Bullseye.
Wow, grade-A stuff guys.
Julian, you touched on something interesting in the episode, and I'm glad you brought it up-- people being glued to their phones when we're all here to watch a movie. In my case, I HATE IT when I'm trying to watch a movie with my wife and, like clockwork, she pulls out that damned phone and gets on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or starts responding to texts from people who are not joining us for the movie. Mind you, it's a movie neither one of us has seen before, but she doesn't seem to worry about missing key moments in a movie.
I mean, sure, she'll eventually get back to the movie, but I feel like I'm missing that apect of mutual enjoyment you get when you see something for the first time with another person.
It doesn't always bother me. But I know it definitely infuriates me when when we're watching an particularly awesome Marvel movie and, yep...she's on Instagram for 7 minutes when something awesome is being done or said that I'd like to "share" with her by way of the both of us being tuned into the movie.
It's not because she's bored or uninterested. She enjoys watching Marvel movies too. She just loves her social media. And don't get me wrong, I like them too. But not enough to do it at the expense watching a movie on date night.
Anyway, great show...really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next episode.
Well done Travis. Well done.
Wow...shirtless PC gaming. Awesome.
Wow...so it's finally happned. I feel a little sad that my reviews I spent so much time writing no longer exists on the site where it all started for me. But, that's how it goes I guess.
Anyway congrats on the baby girl. Glad to hear that you are doing better these days.
Jeez, I didn't know the graphics were so terrible! Never really saw the console version of this game. I only saw it in the arcade. Don't think I ever played it though.