Good to see that someone has that monkey off their back. I'm at the point where I think I'm good...and then I find something else and BOOM, new games added to Mount Backlog.
Good to see that someone has that monkey off their back. I'm at the point where I think I'm good...and then I find something else and BOOM, new games added to Mount Backlog.
Sorry to say that it matchup was between Mizzou vs Ole Miss for the SEC Championship. The positive thing is in my game Ole Miss went to back to back SEC Championships and they are currently ranked either #1 or #2 for my forth Dynasty Season.
I've never owned or played Okami, but I've heard some good things about it, and for $7 with PS+, it's worth a shot.
Bastion is the next play game for me, I've been currently checking my games to make sure they work (only March Madness is giving me trouble) Once I get that swapped I'll start playing it.
I'm like you, and get around 6, but this time I wanted to get to bulk up the 360 library. Good thing I didn't hit up another GameStop on the other side of town, or else I my wallet would have really hated me.
Thanks for the info. The only things that I will probably get to try out is the Fatal Frame games for a couple of bucks each. Can't complain about the price, especially if it's the same cost as a rental.
I need to thank you again! That game is freaking awesome! I loved kicking those little robots and shooting the foam and then sticking a grenade to it. I think the next time I play, I'm going to try and get everything and do some exploring.
I saw that. You sir made out like a bandit.
Good to hear about Gears. If you guys and gals from here say a game is good, I'm going to be in for some awesome gaming...but I really need to start at the beginning, and find a copy of Gears of Wars 2.
Getting into horror movie mood is perfect for the season of pumpkin flavored everything. I'm not a big fan of the genre, but especially right now, they're a good pick for some entertainment.
Haha, my bad. With all the games there are I figured someone called their game meatspace. If there was a game I would guess it could be like that minigame in Skate 2 where it shows you which bones you broke when you crashed. I could see a game where you jump off of buildings, in front of cars, etc. and see how much damage you can inflict.
That must of sounded awesome! I also saw that there is Blu-ray audio. I'd like to give this a try, once it becomes more mainstream.
Sounds like a fun game, and it's funny this is free because on PSN they have a free poker game too. So with the win, do you get a WSOP bracelet for your avitar?