This sounds pretty cool! Even without the striking art style, the selected setting sounds worth the price. I'll have to keep an eye on this from now on.
This sounds pretty cool! Even without the striking art style, the selected setting sounds worth the price. I'll have to keep an eye on this from now on.
Same here. I stare at them at half price books, get overwhelmed and leave.
Found another small one with Tetrominoes at the intersection of Beach and Western Center. The pic I snapped is pretty bad, but I was feeling pretty conspicuous with people waiting in line at the bank and tons of cars in the intersection staring at me. I'll get better pics later of this one too.
Small map update too, but it's hard to tell.
That's really awesome! Thanks for sharing all of your experiences writing the book, and best of luck getting some notoriety (and money).
I snapped a quick pic of the 1up Mushroom Floaterr found and updated the map. The one green marker is just to remind me that I haven't verified its location personally, but I'm sure it's right.
It looks like Rufe Snow is worth investigating the way things are forming on the map, but who knows.
I'll try to take pictures with my DSLR sometime soon of all these new ones and hunt for more.
Thanks, Floaterr!
Alright! Another spotter. I'll try to at least update the map. This is getting huge!! That Zelda is big!
I only found him a few months back. He is amazing!
Took some quick pictures of two more today. I saw the two that Barbanosky found and two additional Tetris scenes. Here's the updated map and the two pics. The Galaga one looks like the bottom half is missing. At least it looks like the head of a Galaga bug to me. There are no tiles on the ground so they were mowed up or tossed or something if they used to be there. Perhaps it is still in work?!
Oh yeah, I am. Probably a great point to jump in. Demo out on 9/16!
Anyone out there excited about this?