I'm no good at Street Fighter 3rd Strike either we all have our gaming blocks, i'm a little apprehensive about Killer Instinct, that game look too Skillful for me
I'm no good at Street Fighter 3rd Strike either we all have our gaming blocks, i'm a little apprehensive about Killer Instinct, that game look too Skillful for me
I have a gaming laptop to save for, I'll most likely get a PS4 when Guilty Gear Xrd is released and even then I may just get the game and what ever "Editon" that comes with the most stuff.
I know a porn star, she's nice
Anyway, Christianity for me is like life, full of contradictions.
Over at the escapist there's a thread on why no one brings up male objectification, it's interting seeing what defines idealising and or the former. Like when is a woman wearing a revealing outfit in bad taste and for a man it's empowering, or something. Also how females objectify men and how it often opposes the male power fantasy
In the end standards are different, to gauge (teehee) the western view on sexuality is so awkward 'cause not enough people are equipped to properly discuss or change things.
Aren't we all? I'd be suprised and impressed if they revealed it was going on the WiiU
The changes i find interesting, like having both Ultra's. I'd like to try a demo as soon as.
We hate you too, heffer
But in all honesty this isn't a gaming problem it's seeping into many forms of popculture, the thoughtless gut reactions, the lack of intelligent debate, mob mentality.
I'm mostly anoyed at the next gen snobs just say mention Nintendo and they foam at the mouth.
Congrates bro, more content here is always good thing.
It's certainly interesting is interesting, exploring the relationship between Gouken and Akuma is really cool.
Haha, true. Eventually though Microsoft will release KI on PC when the full version is out, it's just a matter of time, I've be looking at how KI's been developed and it's looking deep!
I've barely made a dent in my games this year and starting Ni No Kuni last month so that doesn't help much.
In terms of rage, certainly.
And i'm sure both follow the Japanese Ogre archetype, both have different but equally understandable motivatives to fight.