One thing I forgot to mention was that The Guardian Legend is actually a sequel to a MSX game called "Guardic."
One thing I forgot to mention was that The Guardian Legend is actually a sequel to a MSX game called "Guardic."
I first played Puzzle Fighter in arcades, but when the price of the PSOne version went down, I snagged it and played the heck out of it.
The Guardian Legend was freaking awesome! I rented it a few times back in the day. Compile made some great shooters back then. I loved the music, too.
Nah, he would just push and stretch the part of the stage they walk on.
I have Puzzle Fighter on a Xbox 360 disc collection that Capcom put out a few years ago. I also have the orignal PSOne version and one on the GBA. I really like it, if you can tell.
I downloaded the demo, played it, and bought all the packs right then. Heck, it was only ten bucks, and I can spend that much when I go out to eat! Plus I like the Pushmo games. I've downloaded all of them, and I picked Pushmo World on Wii U as my Club Nintendo reward. That way I didn't have to pay for a prettier HD version of the original game. I don't know if I should be offended that they chose the old guy, Papa Blox, to be the playable character in the NES Expo pack. That's the one I was most interested in, so are they trying to say I'm old? :) I wish they would make a cartridge that had Pushmo/Crashmo/Stretchmo all on one cartridge in a collection. Wouldn't a Pushmo stage in Smash Bros. be cool?
I sitll want to review this for GamerDad.com when it comes out on Wii U.
When I come across an ambig...abig...ambigi...that big word you said, I just mash on the keyboard and hope for the best!
Super Puzzle Fighter is WAY better than Dr. Mario! It's one of my top three favorite puzzle games, alongside Puzzle Bobble and plain ol' Tetris.
Come back before it's too late! :)