I haven't played that one, but the other Neptunia games that are more like traditional RPGs aren't very much fun. Too much dialogue and not enough gameplay. Compile Heart can't make a good RPG to save their life.
I haven't played that one, but the other Neptunia games that are more like traditional RPGs aren't very much fun. Too much dialogue and not enough gameplay. Compile Heart can't make a good RPG to save their life.
If you want to play a GOOD Transformers game, try Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. I'm not a big fan of third person shooters, but I played that one all the way through, that's how much I liked it! They should've called it, "Cary's Childhood: The Game." It's what the Transformers movies should have been!
I loved DuckTales Remastered. But then, I played DuckTales on the NES to death back in the day!
I think we're playing a different Galaga. Here's my recently posted review of Galaga: Tekken 20th Anniversary Edition. You've got to check it out!
I never got into Super Mario Bros. as much as everyone else did. I played it in an arcade long before I saw it on the NES. And while I thought it was cool, I was perfectly happy playing Pengo on my Atari 5200 so I didn't get a NES until Zelda was out. Don't get me wrong, i do like Mario games a lot. It's just that my memorable NES games were more of the Capcom variety, such as Mega Man, DuckTales, Rescue Rangers, and Little Nemo.
Totally unrelated, but you might be interested in this Galaga/Tekken mash up:
Aside from Tetris & Dr. Mario and the Japan-only NIntendo Puzzle Collection, Dr. Mario isn't on any compilation (unless you've played it on WarioWare). it's just surprising to hear you've never played it since it's on nearly every Nintendo console out there.
I purposely stay away from Minecraft because I don't want to get too addicted to it. I'm already bad enough with Animal Crossing! Yesterday at the store I saw Minecraft LEGOs!
LEGO Batman 2 to Arkham City...now that's a transition! :)
What's Namco?
When I was in high school, I didn't like either of them. But I might be more interested in Gilgamesh now that I know that Tower of Druaga was based on it.
When I was in high school in my English class we were studying 'tragic heroes' so we read both Gilgamesh and Beowulf.