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Jason Ross's Comments - Page 62

Media Molecule Says No LittleBigPlanet 2

Posted on 02/08/2011 at 08:30 PM | Filed Under News

This is a fun story I just noticed. I just felt like browsing through old news and I noticed this one.

Sony Seeking Out fail0verflow, PS3 Hackers

Posted on 02/08/2011 at 12:47 AM | Filed Under News

In case anyone doesn't pick up what's going on in the story's pic, it's supposed to represent a gavel coming down on team fail0verflow. I feel like a terrible political cartoonists for explaining that. >.>

Anyway, as far as I'm aware, everything used to hack the PS3 involved reverse-engineering the device, which is supposed to be legal. If these guys didn't use any copyrighted code in what was done, that should be that, similar to the cases with iPhone and jailbreaking. A lot of these hackers, as noted in the story, were a part of Team Twiizers or worked on Wii hacking in general without Nintendo pursuing legal action (as far as I'm aware,) so I'd imagine their procedures would be similar. I'm not too happy to hear Sony is going after them, too, but I can only hope the courts decide that the machines we buy are owned by us after purchase, rather than Sony, and thus, we're allowed to run whatever we want, so long as it wasn't stolen.

PixlChatter: Kirby's Epic Yarn Part One

Posted on 02/07/2011 at 09:21 PM | Filed Under Feature

For the record, if anyone is wondering, we did this in late November, but didn't have it formatted and such until now. We lost it in the holiday shuffle. Sorry about the lateness!

ZeitĀ² Review

Posted on 02/05/2011 at 05:17 PM | Filed Under Review

I want it!

But I don't have an Xbox360.

Issue 27: Sneak Peek

Posted on 02/04/2011 at 08:00 PM | Filed Under Feature

I have it! It's perfect. Cubivore it is! I'll spend some time this weekend playing it.

Oh, and for the record, the things I said I'd link to are in the discussion page on the forums. It's not hard to find.

Issue 27: Sneak Peek

Posted on 02/04/2011 at 06:42 PM | Filed Under Feature

Folks, I thought we were starting a "I play a game you recommend and talk about it on the podcast" thing! I haven't had any recommendations since the last time I did this!

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Review

Posted on 02/04/2011 at 02:14 AM | Filed Under Review

I'm aware this game is rated lower than Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Personally, while I enjoyed the overall story of Days a little bit more, the "Day-by-day" character interactions and repetitive missions make me feel Days is about on the same level as Re:coded. Since this review is my personal opinion, I figured it was worth noting that the contradiction PixlBit's two review scores doesn't mean Days is hands-down the better title.

Essentially, for plot-progression purposes, Days does much more, but the gameplay of Re:coded feels much more enjoyable without as many restrictions like limits to magic uses and missions with narrow focus. If anyone wants an in-depth comparison, just ask for one, and I'll compare the two more in the comments.

Issue 27: Sneak Peek

Posted on 02/03/2011 at 01:50 AM | Filed Under Feature

I left something out of the podcast, but the context in which I found the GamePRO article linked to in the PB&Jason discussion topic on the forums was through a video posted about EarthBound by GamePro mentioned on the same site.

Suffice to say, while the opinion was reversed, the intelligence of the people speaking seemed like it was on a similar level. I haven't read a gaming mag in a long, long time, but I have a feeling that many of them offer only slightly better improvements.

Pokemon Wii and 3DS Games are Underway, New Pokemon DS Title Announced

Posted on 01/28/2011 at 08:59 PM | Filed Under News

Speaking of that, last I checked, Nintendo usually assigns the balance board two controller slots. It's a little weird, but that shouldn't actually prohibit it from being able to connect to five more devices, Nintendo would probably just need to change the firmware.

Pokemon Wii and 3DS Games are Underway, New Pokemon DS Title Announced

Posted on 01/28/2011 at 06:09 PM | Filed Under News

It's absolutely compatible with the 3DS, because the 3DS can read DS cards. As far as the Wii goes, I don't remember if you can connect other bluetooth devices to it or not.

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