Cats, and Panda Meme's are already taken. Right, Peter?
Cats, and Panda Meme's are already taken. Right, Peter?
Thanks. I have been away toooooo loooonnngggg. I will do all the catch up during BaD.
Most books stores around here have stopped caring gaming magazines. I might find a Retro gaming mag once in a while.
Man! It was epic! Small bar with a small stage! Invoking the Abstract video was shot at the Bar, plus the lead singer for them works there.lol.
Yes, Matt that is me. I cut my back a little for summer.
Xenoblade has me on the Wii U bus now. I see buying one around Christmas.
This has given me a reason to buy a Wii U now. I see one under the tree this December!
The Damned were awesome.
Yes, Captain Sensible helped form The Damned ( Punk ), plus he has been in a few others. I am kinda doing where are they now and what are they playing.
I am really like these recent Batman games.