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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 617

Captain N's 25 Favorite Nintendo Games

Posted on 03/30/2015 at 07:45 AM | Filed Under Blogs

While my favorite is Super Metroid on the SNES, I really do like the Prime games, too.  I wasn't sure if I would like Prime at first, because it looked like a FPS game.  But once I tried it, I loved it.  That's why I sometimes try games I wouldn't normally play, because you never know when you might like something new.  Prime 2 was also good, but a bit too hard.  Prime 3 was nice as well, even if it was just more of the same.   


Posted on 03/30/2015 at 07:39 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I never had an original Xbox.  The 360 was great in its heyday and I really liked it, though.

Quarter of a Century

Posted on 03/30/2015 at 07:36 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Happy Birthday!  Have a power pellet!

Random update 3-29-15

Posted on 03/29/2015 at 08:20 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Happy Birthday!  Have a power pellet!

Spring Reviews!

Posted on 03/28/2015 at 01:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't think I have a particular favorite cereal, per se, but I've always like cereal, ever since I was a little kid.

Retro Game of the Week: Shadow of the Ninja

Posted on 03/28/2015 at 01:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I never played this one, but it looks like one of the better Ninja Gaiden wannabes.  Didn't Taito have something to do with this game, too? 

It's funny to see Natsume publish something like this now since all they ever do anymore is Harvest Moon stuff.  I hope Natsume can stick around, though, as they are one of the longest running game companies to support me over the years in game reviewing.  I've kept contact with Natsume since my days at the newspaper!

Let's discuss this scornful IGN Bloodborne review with 18K comments!

Posted on 03/28/2015 at 01:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wow I wish my game reviews got that many comments!  :)

Spring Reviews!

Posted on 03/27/2015 at 07:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've seen Sonic at a few stores around here.

Spring Reviews!

Posted on 03/27/2015 at 07:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I just don't eat sweet cereals anymore.  Even the chocolate ones are too much.

Spring Reviews!

Posted on 03/27/2015 at 07:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah I know about this kind of stuff because I've always had an interest in kids' entertainment.  Plus, Maya the Bee is more popular in other countries than in the US. 

I did watch a lot of kiddy anime on Nick Jr. back in the day.  Some of it was pretty weird.  The Noozles seemed like an innocent enough cartoon about a girl and her stuffed Koala that came to life, but later it turned into an almost sci-fi show about two parallell universes colliding and only the Koalas can save the Earth and their world.  And this was on Nick Jr.!  There was another Koala show you mentioned as well.  I couldn't figure out why I liked that one, until I learned that many of the folks who worked on that cartoon (the Adventures of the Little Koala) went on to work at Studio Ghibli!   And like I said in my blog, The Lil' Bit were done by Tatsunoko!

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