It must be a good game if you're willing to forego the plethora of console and handheld games you've at your disposal. Is there a demo for it on Steam? All the reviews I've read for Trails PC have been decent
It must be a good game if you're willing to forego the plethora of console and handheld games you've at your disposal. Is there a demo for it on Steam? All the reviews I've read for Trails PC have been decent
I thought I read somewhere a while back that trading upward from PS3 to PS4 on certain games will only cost ten bucks?
that's an epic response! You've got a lot of different things to choose from. Arkham Origins was fun, but as far as the story may not be as invested in it as Arkham City. I could be wrong there; for me, it just didn't get its hooks in like the first two did. I have a copy of RE4 that I keep starting up on and only playing through until that first Chainsaw encounter, then I get frustrated bc it kicks my ass.
I want to read Divergent too.
Your repast for the weekend sounds delicious. What sort of healthy meats did you get, and how will you prepare them?
I'm glad the mechanic refunded you. Out here in CA, and everywhere, I'm assuming, the independent mechanics have the same reputation as snake oil salesmen did back in the old West.
No doubt...Demon's Souls has the power to piss me off way deeper than Ds and Ds2
I usually just get whatever is on offer when a Humble e-book bundle comes along bro.
Do the social link ranks carry over to NG+?
It'll be nice to have heads to co-op with.
add me, my psn handle is in my profile.
i dont think you are dude.
Also, for a paltry 50 cents, the first 4 trade paperbacks of the original Transformers comics can be yours via Humble. That's enough comics to last you a good long minute!
I'll be reading them well into next month
I agree in full!