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Blake Turner's Comments - Page 67

Quicks Hits: More Steam Sale Pickups, And New Music

Posted on 07/06/2016 at 08:34 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I guess we're in it for different things. In the past, I've enjoyed every episode in a season. They felt like really good books (I wonder why?) in that they flowed really well from episode to episode with just enough intrigue or action to keep you enthralled but also with a ton of really deep character and world building. I felt this season just didn't handle it's slower moments very well.

Where Did Action Horror Go?

Posted on 07/06/2016 at 01:43 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Haven't played it yet. Working my way through Chris' campaign atm.

Where Did Action Horror Go?

Posted on 07/06/2016 at 12:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I played it before, but only borrowed it. I finished Leon's campaign, but that was it. I got it on a steam sale a couple of days ago though, and now my tastes have changed and the dust has settled, I really enjoy it. The only campaign I really dislike is Jake's, and that's mainly due to the big monster chases and the controls in said chases.

 I don't hate RE5 either if I play it with someone. I just wish I could play it on my own, because I think it would be great.

Where Did Action Horror Go?

Posted on 07/05/2016 at 10:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Enemies aren't bullet sponges at all, they die pretty quickly honestly. This might be due to patching, because I felt the same way until playing recently. However, I also do a lot of melee instead of shooting as well, as it kills enemies pretty quickly and conserves ammo.

 And uh... puzzles? You mean the three in the entire campaign? 

Where Did Action Horror Go?

Posted on 07/05/2016 at 07:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I feel like RE6 is a decent Action horror game, though maybe because I'm just starved for the genre. It's entertaining in a turn off your brain and laugh at how ridiculous it is, and the combat is really satisfying. The camera issues can be fixed in the options menu (zooming out was the first thing I did as the default made me feel like vomiting) and I feel like Leon's Campaign is mostly paced pretty well.

 The problems with the game I mainly found in Jake's campaign, which should have been fun, but thechase scenes and constant insta-death segments were annoying as fuck. 

 What they should have done with that game is focused on one campaign and mixed the more atmospheric sections with the more action heavy sections organically, rather than separating them entirely. And if they lost the QTE's and stopped reusing bosses constantly I feel like the game would be pretty fantastic honestly.

 And yeah. Fucking press is the reason Dark Souls 3 and 2 have so many issues. Instead of focusing on what actually made those games good they harped on about difficulty because that's the easiest thing to do. They did it with Dead Space 3: "This game isn't scary, that's the problem!" Instead of that engagement was less tense, unification of ammo meant encounters had less variety, and that we wanted to be in space and not in fucking Lost Planet 3.

I Am Still Alive

Posted on 07/04/2016 at 10:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Good to hear from you man, hope things pick up soon.

Quicks Hits: More Steam Sale Pickups, And New Music

Posted on 07/01/2016 at 03:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

 Game of Thrones

Honestly, the last two episodes of season 6 were great, but I feel the rest of the season was a let down. The episode with Hodor might just be the worst episode they aired if not for the ending, and a lot of it felt weird and more like fan service than a proper season of Game of Thrones. They basically set out to just prove every fan theory ever, Arya's stuff was mostly, The Hound coming back felt weird and WHERE THE FUCK IS GENDRY!!!! SERIOUSLY, I WANT MY GENDRY BACK!!!!

 It was a lot better than the last season though, but there were still a lot of missteps. The dialogue is a lot less potent here, the music feels weird and out of place, and it feels like it's gone from masterpiece television to just fun television. I'm still enjoying it, but it's a far cry from seasons 1-4.


 Man, I've been holding off on RoTT until I got a better pc because I heard that thing devours GPUs. Can't wait to try it on my new pc though.

New PC, Games, Books, and Other Shit You Don't Care About

Posted on 06/30/2016 at 10:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

How to Talk to Girls at parties is Gaiman right? I have that but haven't gotten around to reading it. Any good? (Who am I kidding, it's Neil Fucking Gaiman, I bet it's amazing!)

 It's been far too long since I read a Batman comic. Last one I read was the Zero Year stuff in 2014. Honestly, I just got sick of superhero stuff and moved onto stuff like Wytches, and other Image and Vertigo stuff.

New PC, Games, Books, and Other Shit You Don't Care About

Posted on 06/30/2016 at 10:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I can't do digital. I mean, I can, but I don't want to. I love books. I love owning them, I love having them on my shelf, I love flipping through them, and I love the feeling of progress a book naturally offers. When I read a book, I don't want to be in front of a screen. I'm in front of a screen far too often! 

 God I sound old.

  I feel the same way though. I bought books for ages and never read them, but I finally forced myself to sit down and read and I'm loving it. Forgot how awesome reading can be!

New PC, Games, Books, and Other Shit You Don't Care About

Posted on 06/30/2016 at 08:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Not really in AUS. One of the reasons I'm actually okay with Alienware is they're up front. Everything is in AUD, it includes shipping and our online goods/imported tax in the price (which is fucking 10%, costing me $134), and the deal I have now included 5 years warranty, which is what really won me over.

 One thing to keep in mind with Subnautica, it's still in early access, so optimisation isn't great yet. For a few seconds after I go from above water to below water it dips to single digits in the frame rate, and I have to drop it to low to hit 45 fps. My pc is pretty old though, but just something you should keep in mind. It's a fucking great game though.

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