Jesse your article made me have a dream last night that Team Ninja got hired by Capcom to do a new Darkstalkers.
Morrigan looked... um... bouncy.
Jesse your article made me have a dream last night that Team Ninja got hired by Capcom to do a new Darkstalkers.
Morrigan looked... um... bouncy.
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories should weigh into this argument. That game did a great job of making you feel pretty powerless.
While this isn't my personal GOTY, I think it's a very valid choice. I had a blast with the multiplayer, and the single player game is very solid.
I think this is a mistake. There are plenty of other games out there that have the IN YOUR FACE stuff covered. If they have their sights set on turning this into a franchise, they should try to make it something unique.
This thing sounds more and more expensive every time a new bit of news comes out on it.
Oh he was, and I know I'm not the only person whose life he touched. When I say that half of the city turned out for his wake, I'm not exaggerating. They had a 3 hour wake and had to open the doors early because of the line forming outside. They also ended going for an extra 45 min because people just kept on coming. It was pretty amazing.
That is a nice list. Shame I only just bought my 3ds. I'd love to play Wario Land 4
Oh I will. They were my favorite classic developer. I was also very serious when I said Inafune should be the next person into the hall of fame.
Another Gamestop exclusive?
I'm calling shenanigans on this. Are they buying up all their competition and now buying up the rights to all these exclusives as well?
Wow. I completely agree with this one. That never happens with these things. Great job.
Also, and I think I've mentioned this before, I want to play Bastion on the 3DS very, very badly. I might take Jason up on his suggestion and email the devs about that.