I know huh? It sounded pretty cool, and that last part outside of Wily's base hinted at what a possible story mode would be like.
I know huh? It sounded pretty cool, and that last part outside of Wily's base hinted at what a possible story mode would be like.
Megaman has always been a big supporter of the big N from the start. I'm just glad he was in the game and that Capcom has allowed him to be in the game. Since, it's not like they are using him anyway.
I know right? I think Wayforward would be the likely candidates for an old school styled MM game. Or Retro.
That seems pretty meta doesn't it? But we can atleast see Kirby in Megaman's helmet!
I know, Megaman is back and better than ever!
Don't know too much on SE's characters outside DQ9. Though I would have taken X instead, I'm just glad Megaman is getting credit were credit is due.
Nice! Gonna make a youtube account so I can check you out err I mean well the videos you'll be on lol But congrats, you're moving up in the world!
While they didn't show anything we didn't already know about (aside DK) I thought it was pretty good. Certainly better than last years. All I know is that I'm going to be very busy playing Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon lol
I'll most likely get a PS4 first, but not anytime soon, maybe around fall next year. Though I don't want to jump in late like I did this gen with the PS360. I'll get an X1, maybe if they have another Banjo game. A platformer one though. Overall, great E3.
I haven't pre-ordered one yet and I may not have one anytime soon. If I'm lucky, I should have one by fall next year. But damn, they wiped the floor yesterday, I wonder how MS feels right now lol