Yeah even though I don't think the game is that bad, I don't think die-hard Sonic fans will like it. I still would like to see the Sonic Boom cartoon sometime, though.
Yeah even though I don't think the game is that bad, I don't think die-hard Sonic fans will like it. I still would like to see the Sonic Boom cartoon sometime, though.
I'm glad I live in Texas and don't have to deal with all that cold weather!
Holy crap! A Little Nemo comic? I have to get that. I'm a huge fan of Windsor McKay's work. He was doing animation before Disney was in diapers! Have you ever played the Little Nemo NES game?
Now how is she going to fight in that fancy dress? Silly Guilty Gear!
I might get to review this when ti comes out. I'll have to figure out who my favorite character will be!
My brother Jeff LOVED Spy Hunter when he was little. And when I was a kid, the Spy Hunter arcade game was the big hit at the local Pizza Inn. Did you know that at one point, a Spy Hunter movie was being planned?
Very good blog!
There was one Wai Wai World game that made it to the US. On the Game Boy Advance, Japan had a kart racing game called Wai Wai racing. In the US it was called Konami Krazy Racers.
I liked SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash on the Neo Geo Pocket Color more than Pokemon.
The FF Dissidia games are really good. I wish Square would make more and on the bigger consoles.
Project X Zone is actually a sequel to the Japan only PS2 game Namco X Capcom.
I can't remember if it was on the PS2 or PSOne, but Konami made a Smash Bros. style game featuring characters from Konami, Hudson, and Takara! I can't remember the name of it, but it was funny seeing Optimus Prime (Convoy) fight Bomberman. Naturally this game never came to the US.
I was surprised that we got Tatsunoko vs. Capcom in the US, though.
I've always known about the Justin Bailey code, so I'm surprised that so many folks don't know about it. Another secret I've always known is that you can plug in a second controller in Duck Hunt and control the ducks! Nobody seems to know that for some reason.
The home console ports of Moon Patrol were actually pretty good, which was a rare thing back then.
I have the old Pac-Man Fever record from when i was a kid. The only other video game song I can think of was Weird Al's Pac Man, which is a spoof on the Beatles Tax Man.
Did you know that there are a total of five Mr. Do! games? I should probably write my own book someday I guess. If only I had the time.
I like maze games.
Yeah, Mega Man characters being based on music names is pretty well-known. In Japan, Proto Man is named Blues.
I've never been able to get into Pikmin. Strange, I know, but it has never drawn me in.
It's funny how the older I get, the less material things I want. What I really want for Christmas is more time to play my games and to spend time with friends and family.
I rented this once back in the day and really liked it. But not enough to buy it. But then, I was a poor college student back then. It was a pretty original idea. Like a cross between Rampage and Lemmings. Rare really carried the N64 through most of its lifespan.