The initial piglet rescue turned out well, until she smooshed them later. According to my intern, who is renting a room from my friends for the summer, Stella was down to four piglets out of eleven. Not very good numbers.
The initial piglet rescue turned out well, until she smooshed them later. According to my intern, who is renting a room from my friends for the summer, Stella was down to four piglets out of eleven. Not very good numbers.
I love Pikmin! Still looking for a reasonably-priced copy of Pikmin 2 for the Game Cube.
I love your love of quirky, cute games. I'll have to keep my eyes open for some of these games. I have Rocket Slime, and usually recommend it to non-gamer parents with kids. I lobed it, and so did my nephew when he was a little kid.
Steambot Chronicles was a game I wondered about. Now I'll have to actively look for it, sounds like something I'd love.
The Xenosaga series and Zone of the Enders are probably my favorite mech games.
I got to the last part of Ducktales Remastered and couldn't get past it, got frustrated, and quit. I might go back to it.
I am spoiled, so many local independent stores that sell retro games in my area.
I like my baby New England earthquakes - nothing above a 3. Usually, we think the furnace blew up in the basement or the washer is unbalanced, if that says anything about the severity and frequency of earthquakes in Maine.
I want to see the X-men movie and make up my own mind. So far, my favorite X-Men movie has been Days of Future Past.
Wish you lived closer, my boss is going through his record collection and selling off a bunch.
If I had a nickel for every game that has happened to me with, I'd be rich.
I played the first Ratchet and Clank game shortly after it came out. I fell in love with the franchise. As soon as I finished it, I started a second playthrough, because it was just so much fun. My favorite of the franchise is Going Commando. I mean, what's not to love about a weapon that turns your enemies into sheep? And when you upgrade it to its final form, into black sheep that blow up? I want one!!! And the sniper rifle. God, I love that sniper rifle!
I never got as into the PS3 entries in the series, and from what I've read from Casey's review, not sure I want to play the reboot.
As for Shadow Complex, that may be one of my favorite games for the 360.
It was definitely "She has food! Follow her!" They would lie in wait for me and materialize out of nowhere if I went anywhere near the back of my car, the greenhouse, or the bin where the chicken feed is kept.
I need to finish up some of the games on my console hard drives so I can clean those up. I just hate deleting anything I haven't finished.
And this song always makes me think of you, for some reason: