Yeah to be honest, right now I'm more interested in doing Indie type projects. That said, I do want to take a stab at some big games down the line. However the recent Indie Boom has been encouraging. I wouldnt stiking to that either.
Yeah to be honest, right now I'm more interested in doing Indie type projects. That said, I do want to take a stab at some big games down the line. However the recent Indie Boom has been encouraging. I wouldnt stiking to that either.
I suppose it depends on personal preference. I liked Graces f overall, but I felt like Xillia was a lot better. Some lines were dull, but overall I thought Xillia's dialogue was way more engaging than Graces, especially in the later parts of the game. The plot for Graces kinda fell apart for me about 35/40 hours in. Xillia i was engaged the whole time. However, dont get me wrong. I respect your opinion. Graces just didnt work for me the same way.
I cant wait to pick this one up for Wii U. Been hearing nothing but great things about it.
totally. While I respect them for trying new things, I feel like they've strayed a bit too far from what made FF great, and hopefully they find a way to get back to it. FFXIII and even FFXV dont scream FF to me. Not saying those games are terrible but they aren't what comes to my head when i think of the series. Tales has a spark that stays true through most of the titles, even the side ones.
well, you've got a lot to get through then!
Don't get me wrong - I actually think the 2DS is a sound idea. I think people who were on the fence about getting a 3DS have no excuce now. My brother who doesnt really use the 3D on my 3DS will probably be interested in this one. I personally think that the name is what the problem is, as uneducated consumers will think its a brand new console with new games. In the end, its just another way to enjoy the great software that the 3DS has.
True. In all honesty, the dumb questions will never cease and I will probably have to deal with it for as long as I work there, but I guess I was just saying that companies aren't making it easier for us to explain to the consumer. I can hear the questions now...haha
haha, great examples. U think someone would catch those before they became official.
I absolutely love this show. The last few eps of season 5 have been so intense! Can't wait to see how it wraps up!
I'm so close to the end! I've just been wrapping up some side events before the end. I'm excited to see how it concludes. Review should be coming next week.