Yeah, I am what you call a xbox guy..Not a fanboy, but if you put me on a island and told me which current system i wanted to play i would not even let you finish the sentence and say xbox 360!!
But man, all this stuff that you need the kinnect to work?? Really why?? At the moment I am just going to wait till e3..Maybe they will change their tune, after much of gamer anger towards them!! So all the people who are well..I reckon xbox one is going to be online all the time..guess that means I will get a ps4..Hold your cookes..For all we know ps4 may have something like this..This is the same company that said, it was fine paying for a 600 dollars cause it can do many things as well!! Rememember folks!!
For me..Even before the announcement..I was going to wait till see what games are coming out and how much it was going to seems like i will wait even more to see how this pans out..Till now i can really put a dent in my backlog!!