How much did your soul cost you!
How much did your soul cost you!
It's going to ship on 2012 and that will be why the world ended
A game with bugs doesn't get a perfect score? Nick is obviously a mole.
Heh, the last Castlevania XBLA game, HD, was awful. So I'm very paranoid of that franchise right now.
I'm sure this will be as awesome as HD...
So I imagine that Best Buy is now missing their 3DS unit?
Hate all you want, if you play in the system you have to play by the rules no matter how idiotic they are. It probably went down exactly like you think it did, someone complained and Microsoft had to respond. I don't see how you think it is a gray area when they use the phrase like "hint at".
"Create a Gamertag, avatar or use text in other profile fields that may offend other members. This includes comments that look, sound like, stand for, hint at, abbreviate, or insinuate or relate to any of the following: profane words/phrases, topics or content of a sexual nature, hate speech (including but not limited to racial, ethnic, or religious slurs), illegal drugs/controlled substances, or illegal activities;"
Now I'm not saying I agree with the rules, especially when you have 12 year olds running around using every racial slur possible on a daily basis. But they are there, and they haven't changed on a monthly basis like some other consoles out there.
Honestly, at the risk of being labeled a Microsoft fanboy I am on their side. You are given the rules when you signup to the service, if you don't want to follow them you get punished.
I just got into this over a NCAA Basketball player being banned when he joined the team knowing the rules.
Hell, I'd give Mass Effect 2 a 5 on the PS3 if Bioware sent it to me. I don't even own a PS3 but I would... Please Bioware? Return my calls!
A nice little point in all of this is the main hacker being sued didn't even bother hacking the PS3 until they removed the extra OS functionality of the machine.