I feel like there's quite a bit of potential in asymmetrical gaming, I just think it's a really hard message to properly convey, especially without an anchor game that demonstrates it well. I actually think that the much bigger and better selling point of the GamePad is the Off-TV Play. Having played a few games on the GamePad, I can confidently say that I would buy the Wii U version of any game over a competing choice just for Off-TV Play.
When Chessa wants to watch a show on TV, I don't have to stop playing whatever I'm enjoying to share the screen. I hit the menu, flip over to Off-TV Play and continue on my merry way. I can even sit with her and play my game while she watches her show. It's a brilliant feature that carries so much strength, I can't believe they aren't doing a better job of showcasing how convenient it is for anyone who has to share their TV with a spouse/child/roommate/etc (aka, just about everyone).