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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 704

Game Review Overload

Posted on 10/16/2014 at 07:21 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Ew.  No, no, no, no, no.  Castles are supposed to have turrets and waterslides are fun.  That's all that they meant in this dream.  The only thing you can interpret from my dream is that I played too much Hyrule Warriors before going to bed, and my brain is messed up from watching too many 80's cartoons as a kid. :)

Octoberween 2014 Humpday Video: Teddy Ruxpin is the Devil!

Posted on 10/16/2014 at 07:14 AM | Filed Under Blogs

One of my younger cousins had Teddy Ruxpin back in the day.  I always wanted to try and put other tapes in it, but she wouldn't let me.  I never had a diesire to own one of those when I was a kid.  I read somewhere that one of the Teddy Ruxpin designers went on to make video games or something.

Game Review Overload

Posted on 10/15/2014 at 08:55 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yes that's one of the weirdest games I've ever played.

Game Review Overload

Posted on 10/15/2014 at 06:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It really doesn't matter.  They're all pretty much the same game. 

If you can find it, the WEIRDEST game in the Mama series is Babysitting Mama for Wii.  Look it up.

October Update

Posted on 10/15/2014 at 06:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm playing Skylanders Trap Team right now, working on a review of it for  Sure the gameplay isn't very original and it's a bit gimmicky, but gosh darn it, if we were kdis right now, Skylanders would be the shit.  I think it's a great kids franchise.

I'm playing Smash Bros. on 3DS as well, but not as much as I would like what with all the other games I'm reviewing and all.

I don't play Animal Crossing: New Leaf anymore, but I did play it every day for a full year and it was my Game of the Year last year. 

My first Pixlbit blog!

Posted on 10/15/2014 at 06:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I came from 1up, too.  I don't know if you remember me or not, but I was there for a good solid eight years.  I'm sad they shut down, but I'm glad that Pixlbit is around to pick up the slack.

I agree, it is hard to find good gaming news sites anymore.  There is a site that I am rather partial to when it comes to game reviews, though:!

Game Review Overload

Posted on 10/15/2014 at 07:50 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I've always had very weird and vivid dreams.  One time I dreamed I was in a new Final Fantasy game with a pretty epic story, too.  Not sure how my brain came up with that.  I was a White Mage in the dream.

Game Review Overload

Posted on 10/15/2014 at 07:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah I always hate it when I dream I'm in an exciting place, and what do I decide to do in my dream in that place?  Sleep.

Game Review Overload

Posted on 10/14/2014 at 11:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

OK I'll tell you my dream about Hyrule Warriors.

In the dream I was building Princess Zelda a castle.  Except the weird thing is I was building it out of giant interlocking blocks and panels.  Kind of like giant LEGO, but more like those castle playhouses you build for little kids.  But I was hefting these huge stones and walls and turrets over my head and setting them into place.  I thought I was either really strong or Zelda was making her caslte out of plastic.

At one point, I decided Zelda needed a waterslide spiraling down one of her turrets.  So I somehow built that.  But then, Zelda's guardian Impa rushed over and bellowed in my face, "How DARE you make a mockery of Zelda's castle!  That goes against all regulations!  You WILL tear down that slide right now!"  But then Princess Zelda poked her head out of the window and said, "What's the commotion about?  Oh, nice waterslide, Cary!  I love it!"  I then turned to Impa and shrugged, and she GLARED at me.  If looks could kill, I would be dead.  So I decided that for the rest of the day, I would build the castle as far away from Impa as I could.

So I worked all day and got really tired.  In Skyward Sword, Link can sleep in any bed he comes across, so when I saw a bed I just fell right to sleep on it.  Yes, I spent most of my Zelda dream sleeping!  But at one point, I thougth to myself, "Whose bed am I in?  Would they get mad?  Is this Zelda's bed?  Or even worse, is this Impa's bed?  She was already sore at me today, I'd better try and wake myself up so I can find out what bed I'm in!"  So I worked so hard at trying to wake myself up, that I ended waking myself up in real life!  And that's my Hyrule Warriors dream!  --Cary

I'm turning into an iPad gamer. Help! I feel scared!

Posted on 10/14/2014 at 05:19 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The last time I went to E3 two years ago I saw a lot of iPad games shown, so I decided to get one soon after.  I've been able to review lots of iPad games since.  There are some good ones here and there.  I like Where's My Water?, Groove Coaster, Pac-Chomp, Type:Rider, and a few others. 

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