Yes its on psn snee all these are.
Yes its on psn snee all these are.
Yes its got more my style of gaming and thats not including the 28 games I got on psn including Odin Sphere, grimgrimoire,Pool Nation, Fatal Frame 1 and 2 persona 2, Journey, and a bunch more lol!!!
Well snee I found it after a little hunt for it and it looks awesome I cant wait to play it.
Xillia 2 looks really good and I will get it for no other reason then having the Tales series complete.
Just picked up The Guided Fate Of Paradox and the story looks really good I will have to check out your reveiw im assuming its on I did read Chris y reveiw and thats what actually convinced me to get it and the fact its NIS lol!! And the witch of a hundred knights is on my to buy list as well and let me know when you revriw it so I can check out how good it is.
Know the story is crazy and im having a hard time following it but if you can figure out the crazy story the games actually pretty good.
Well Chris im picking it up today along with Tales of Grace and Tales of Xillia :)
Lol!!! I love Nippon Ichii and Atlus games and depending on what im in the mood for gives me alot of choices by buying these Japanese rpgs and you should know that around tax time I buy all my games I want for the year then I dont buy sny for a while and right now im neglecting my 360 but I still have a ton of games not to mention my 30 plus digital games and if you ck my game collection on here you will see I got more digital on the ps3 then I have physical games but keep in mind the only Tales game for the 360 is Tales of Vesparia. And being that im a huge fan of the Tales game I want Tales of Xillia and Tales from Graces. By the way do you know of any good ww2 strategy games on the ps3??
Its free on psn and its my pick for the week yes I know its been out for a while but not to long on psn plus :)
its really good remake of both tales game almost all the reveiws i have seen are very good.