Hopefully they took a long look at the combat. They could have just called the last game 'Y button' They made that attack so strong that, as long as you kept your defense up, you could pretty much just mash that through the entire game.
Hopefully they took a long look at the combat. They could have just called the last game 'Y button' They made that attack so strong that, as long as you kept your defense up, you could pretty much just mash that through the entire game.
The combat looks (note I said looks) almost as involved as games like Ninja Gaiden or Bayonetta. Combinine that with heavy RPG elements, and you've got potential for something that will have me locked away from the real world for quite some time.
*edit* I just took a look at the preview over at 1up. Jeremy Parish basically said it's almost exactly like God of War's combat, which isn't exactly what I hoped for, but it's still not bad.
Sounds good but... Does horror generally work on a portable platform? Part of being scared in a game is the result of immersion, and that's one thing that handheld platforms generally aren't so great at. The stop and start nature of playing on the go (on breaks, on the bus, etc.) would seem to work against the fright factor.
Wow, I thought this genre was dead. No other sites seem to be covering this game. And what the hell is with Ubisoft releasing all their games in the span of a couple of months?
I wish they would bring back the Age of Wonders franchise. That was my favorite.
Still not gonna watch it.
It would be cool to have Epic work with People Can Fly again though. I thought Bulletstorm had tons of potential.
... and will be covered in a more mature manner by PixlBit the following day.
Unless you find some way to make me sit through some top twenty a-hole's new hit single before I can read your articles that is.
I'm old. I like physical media. Unless this thing is so awesome it hurts, I don't think I'll be getting one. Everything about it so far screams "Not for you!"
This still won't get me to watch that abortion of an awards show...
It's also exciting to note that this same studio is producing the next Thief game (as in Thief: The Dark Project)
I'm very excited about that, considering how well they handled stealth in this game.