Townz: Yeah, sometimes i really hate living in the south, we dont just have rain, we have thunderstorms.
Townz: Yeah, sometimes i really hate living in the south, we dont just have rain, we have thunderstorms.
Peter: thank you, one of the worst part of it was the damn noise.. it was so loud it didnt even seem real.
Wayde: I've never seen anything like it and I hope I never do again, yeah, I seriously think it would beat you to death if you were caught out in it.
Remy, You may know where I live. In McComb about 100 miles north of you. Yeah, the worse part of katrina was the more than a week without electricity in august!
Pork Rinds... I tried some of those microwavable pork rinds and I thought they were pretty good, I plan on buying some more.
When I swapped out hard drives...I just deleted everything and started over with the new one, that's why I wasnt worried about re-formatting my HDD, I've done it I have a reason to reply LittleBigPlanet with Tami again...hahahahha
KnightDriver....thanks for all the comments, i just got home from work and I am tired or I would reply to all of them.
andrew x2: I understand things are gonna happen, and I was really mad at the time at wrote this blog, I will still use the PS3 as my main console, but I do want to rebuild my PS2 and GC library. I fear I may have waited too late for the PS2, wal mart has always had PS2 games for sale, I went there tonight and they were all gone....even the bargain bins PS2 games...all gone
Aaron: Im just not gonna buy a PS4...I have no need for one, unless... they really do make another Metal Gear!!!! Snaaaaaaake!
Peter: yeah, believe me, ( or ask Tami) I've done this more than once, Hence the name...down to zero! hahahahah